Moxie, Cannaventure and NBweedguys Skankberry outdoor show

Hey what’s up.

Just somewhere I can share pics of this year’s outdoor. We have another round of Moxie Grape Kush and Viper Cookies S1. A Cannaventure LA Affie S1 and a buddy who made these Skankberries I’ve grown in the past. I’ve grown all these indoors except the CVS LA Affie, so now to try em outdoors.

Long story short, I’m banned from growing, even in a legal climate (wife’s orders) so I have to do things elsewhere and rely on a few others to keep this dream alive. This isn’t my property, but they are my plants and I intend to give 3 of them away to the property owners as thanks. I don’t like smoking birdshit and bug buds tbh so I’m making a bubble hash run.

Pics are sporadic as I don’t visit site much but I will be shortly in the next week or so.

Latest pics I got sent. The individual shots are a bit older. The latest pic is the group shot.

BTW, we started late in the growing season which is the reason for their size ATM. Again, wife :slight_smile:


These were the indoor versions of the above. Different S1 seeds grown mind you.


Grape Kush

Viper cookies (great tasting smoke)


All three of those look incredible, but that Skankberry looks absolutely NASTY! Off to a great start!


Thank you!

Skankberry is Mob x Og x nl x skunk x Afghan #1


I think I might like to grow some of all three of them! :+1::v:

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Down to watch these beauties blow up for sure! Very interesting selections I’m unfamiliar with as well. Looking forward to big bats of bodacious buds :facepunch:t2:


Sadly Moxie doesn’t make seeds anymore, and the Skankberry is kind of a in-house creation from a friend. I’ll see if I can get more of it!

Hoping the LA affie turns out stellar!!

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Stick around friend, going to try and pull off a good hash run out of these.

I tend to grow outside the mainstream. Its nice to pop unknowns or less popular stuff to see what’s out there.

Maybe next round I’ll do my creations.

If you get some more I will swap with you. I had a friend recently come back from Jamaica :jamaica: with a bag of seeds he promised me from his home. They are from Kingston, near the Blue Mountain :mountain_snow: region where it grows wild in the hills. So this is a mix of the six kinds of that grow wild their from what he tells me.

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I’ll try my best to secure some more!

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Today’s group shot.

Top right - Skankberry
Top left - Viper Cookies
Bottom right - Grape Kush
Bottom left - LA Affie

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Typical height over bush structure and purple stems.

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Have you grown out any of Moxie’s other stuff? I’ve got a couple packs of Krypto Cookies fems from them. Oaksterdam Kryptonite x GSC

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Viper cookies. God damn grass hoppers I think munching on my plants. The baby ones.

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I have not but I really enjoyed what I have grown so far with their seeds. I kinda regret not acquiring more when they were around.

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Grape Kush

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LA Affie - Nice lemon skunk piss smell

Actually I grew their Turquoise Jeep
Blueberry x Goji Og

I made a bunch of F2’s because it was a reg line.
Weird colored blue buds. Really really unique tasting.


Yikes, got a few nights of high winds/storms. The columnar looking Skankberry starting a gangsta lean.

Looking at options for staking her currently.

Small update.

Got a few days off coming up and will head over to snap some pics.

I’m hearing grape kush and LA Affie are bushing up big time.

The viper and skankberry are pulling more height.

I’ll get some structure/leaf and smell descriptions post up after the visit.

Shit and to think there is still some veg time left yet. I’m hoping to pull off a late grow season miracle :pray:

Then the big bubblehash run begins.

(Disclaimer) I have only done one bubble hash run and it wasn’t anything huge. I have, I do believe, the 8 AND 12 bag system. The only run I did, my ice/water mix turned green in the process. I’m assuming I over agitated the crap out of it.