Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

And for some reason that I don’t fully understand, that’s an eternal truth.

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I have this discussion with Mrs Foreigner once in awhile. She’s a photographer trying to capture the moment and I’m trying to live in it. Two very different approaches.

But we are getting sidetracked. I wish I had a crate of kiwis so I could whip them at people from my balcony.

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Perhaps one of the reasons the two of you get along so well. I don’t remember, does Mrs. F enjoy kiwis for things other than throwing? I can personally attest to their high quality as juggling balls if you’re a decent juggler. Note that that isn’t really throwing in the same sense.

Oh hell yes! Like Mardi Gras in New Orleans! Gotta hit 'em in the head for it to count though.

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She won’t tell me if she likes kiwis. She’s wise enough not to get involved.

Hey we’ve found an acceptable use for kiwis! Finally! One!

I learned how to juggle from a Netflix dvd when they still sent physical dvds through the mail. I used to be able to do some tricks but now I’m barely adequate.

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First time was creepy. They look like Dinosaur eggs on the inside. Now I like them.


Smart woman. Being married to you, however, I’m not surprised.

I’ve heard when the skins are tanned and stitched together properly they make excellent vegan leather products!

I’m glad this discussion is about the dreaded kiwi/juggling rather than sex.

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“I got you a fur coat.”
“Oh amazing! Chinchilla?
“Nope guess again.”

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Exactly! Kiwikilla?

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Would you prefer to wear a rodent or a kiwi?

“Tiffany is wearing the urban kiwi sarong from our spring collection.”

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I paid all my bills and got a haircut, some accounts came in. Everything is coming up KIWIS !!


If you trade kiwis for haircuts you’re engaging in the barber system.

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Outta likes.

I am so sorry. That sounds terrible.

And who exactly is getting the haircut? Sounds kind of barbarous.


Use value: nil
Exchange value: also nil

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Out of the nothingness, fuzz emerges

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Yes, but the intrinsic value is beyond measure.


Beauty is in the eye of the sick perverts who like kiwis.


I’m no fool, show me the Kiwis first. Before I get in the van.


Nobody in history has been successfully lured by kiwis. It almost happened once in 1846 but they came to their senses.


Like Brigadoon, but Kiwiadoon.

Almost certainly at the Battle of Monterey. The place abounded with kiwiists.