Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

Only if “Kiwi” is a new strain of pot plant. :wink:

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If you bred it you get to name it. But I’d suggest something less disgusting.

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I have a strain that I bred. But im not going to give it a name. Just a picture. This > :poop:

Oh ice cream cake delicious

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I love chocolate icecream. :woozy_face:

“When one’s words are no better than silence, it is better to remain silent. “ :relieved:

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Got a hot date?

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Fak! A New calander!


Weirdest pedicure ever


My thought exactly! “See how the ankle melds gently into the sloping of the shoe… Sexy, yet not overtly so…”

That’s not you?!?!?!


It’s sad but this is what kiwi addiction does to people.


Well now that makes perfect sense. You get compliments from guys about your nice feet and then your kiwi addiction turns your feet into hairy “monkey feet”. Its no wonder you hate kiwis. :foot:

Kiwis ruined my life. Not even once.

You better be careful. @Foreigner may resemble that remark.

I’m confused. Kiwis ruined your life, but not even once???

Seriously, I’m gonna clarify that in what’s left of my mind. Next bowl will be sativa!

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I’m putting my story out there to save others.

An honorable kiwi hating man. Thank you for thinking of others.

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I live to give.

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Monkey feet ! “Not even once ?” 🥸

Apparently not, and not your little dog either!