Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

The glasses make the man not the mustache.


Je ne suis pas Francais mon ami.

Also @buzzmobile : never forget

For when you absolutely positively need to look surprised


I’m a High Archer, Mr. Arial.

Threading is an art. I am not.

That mustache could use some wax.

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I use depilatory cream and write obscene messages on mine.

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I’m going to try that on a kiwi.

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I actually saw obscenity carved into a fruit recently.

For real. It was hanging from a tree.

I don’t know what fruit but it was the size of a volleyball and someone had carved “penis” on the outer skin. Shit now I have to make an outer skin joke…

The pic is on Mrs Foreigner’s camera.

No you really don’t HAVE to, but if you want to, a volleyball sized penis with outer skin. . .

What has Mrs. Foreigner’s camera been up to, Bud?


Now that I’ve brought it up I don’t actually remember what was written on it. It could have been boobs. It could have been fuck this fruit. I just remember it was funny.

That camera has 30 years of incriminating evidence on it.


Ha ha ha ha ha. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ha! :kiwi_fruit: I knew it would work! :poop:

Therapy. HA! A finger down your throat right after swallowing and you’re all unpacked and ready for “real” food. Easy peasy/arfy barfy.

Im still waiting for this picture of “BOOBS” that you speak of. 🥸

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Shoulda bought a calendar…


:+1: 10 characters

Yeah the green kiwifruit can be a chore to consume. the gold ones are yum and the red ones too. had some green kiwifruit berries the other day, they were delicious :pirate_flag:

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There are red kiwis? :crazy_face: How deep does this fruity conspiracy go ? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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deep bro

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That is just so WRONG on so many levels. :man_facepalming:

:joy::joy::joy: yup if its green nobody’s keen.
Nearly feijoa season here. how many on here have tried these? another name is pineapple guava

There’s just something about blue feet, red feet, and masks.