Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

Hear me roar! I am pinchy!

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I like the cut of this guy’s jib but he did not invent kiwis.

Yeah, i don’t really like them either… wouldn’t say hate but they do nothing for me… and here is maybe an unpopular opinion but i think strawberries are ‘mid’ as well…

Blueberries, raspberries and many other caneberries are great but strawberries? nah…


Ok now I’ve gone and done it…for you guys. And for science.

I hate a half of a half. It wasn’t half bad.

But it’s too late to change my position now.

Hate hate hate.


Now I am confused :thinking:. I think you are also… :grimacing:
Are you entering the denial stage of kiwis? What is going on here?

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Yes but it’s ok because soon it will pass to grief from having eaten a kiwi.

This will take years of therapy to unpack.


I am thinking decades.

This is the closest I have gotten to a kiwi, but its fake sugar shit I am guessing. So I guess it doesn’t count.
So technically I am still kiwi free.

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Careful it’s a gateway drink.


Strawberry snob. :face_with_monocle:

Strawberries aren’t bad but they just don’t compare with good blueberries or raspberries, boysenberries, youngberries etc.

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Looking a little crabby this morning.

Here are some recipes that will kill kiwis. Drink up drink up let me fill your cup.

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I don’t drink but if I did alcohol would not be enough to mask the vicious kiwi.

I am a little crabby this morning.

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Your consistency matches that of the kiwifruit.

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“Know your enemy”
-some guy from history

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That was NOT a little crab.

Same guy that said, “Don’t fire until you see the greens of their kiwis.”

History major; Summa cum

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I have a similar moustache. I’m also a student of history but from an oblique angle.

Edit: wait that’s not right, I was thinking about someone else.


It is too late to apologise! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I was wondering why an old french guy from Canada would know about “angelish history”? 🫣