Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

It’s a surprisingly successful fruit

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Don’t you dare make positive kiwis comments in this thread.

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They could’ve made more!

Look at those inept kiwi producers!

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I’d always heard that the first introduction of the Kiwi in the US failed. Then they renamed it kiwi and it did well. This may be BS. I couldn’t find anything about it on the internet.

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No it’s a marketing success story. I think they were called Chinese gooseberries.

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That’s exactly what they were called.


Hey @Foreigner . Would you eat a chinese goosberry? :face_with_monocle:

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No way just a kiwi by another name.

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Hey man how are your plants doing? Are you still going to finish before your trip? :rainbow:

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Yeah I might have to do something fancy like put them in window light but it should be ok.


Yea exactly like if i dont shave for a day or two.
What about yang tao?

So…., are we still hatin on kiwi’s ? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I still hate ‘em. But everybody else seem to be fair weather kiwi haters.

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Changing colour didn’t make them less disgusting.

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check rasperry prices in australia…
like 50cents for a single berry in supermarkets… prolly cause they grow upside down there.

but how can anyone not like Kiwis? its like eating hairy balls, its the manliest thing ever. like midwestern bull gonad eating contests or mystical chinese medicine, but it sweet, wet and delicious. Just dont take those green one… thats like licking acid and your lips will dissolve.

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This is half my point.

Here, have some purple ones I found on some obscure corner of the planet.

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Yea. I can get on board with the “ mystical Chinese medicine idea”, but Im not diggin the hairy bull gonad thing

if the whities are too tight, they turn purple allright

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