Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

theres a good documentary about the Kiwi menace

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I am afraid of watermelons.

If you see a kiwi you must stand your ground or risk being chased.

i fixed that then… sigh

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Thank you. Now my public shame is complete. :pleading_face:

no worries, kink sharing is caring, but dont get too distracted yet, there are probably Kiwis lurking for a moment of opportunity, under your chair, right now, dont look!

My house is swept for kiwis 3 times a day. No way one is getting in.

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You’re starting to make sense and that is scary.

Incomplete public shaming is ineffective, @Magu. Public shame builds character.
There there now…have a candy.



Does anybody have some tips and suggestions on some Kiwi-flavoured Weed strains? I know there’s a whole breeder and seedbank called Kiwi seeds, but I’m not sure if it’s just the name or if their genetics are all Kiwi-related :rofl: :kiwi_fruit: :kiwi_fruit: :kiwi_fruit: :seedling:


Don’t do it. Kiwis are gross.

And violent I guess judging by the above posts.

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I guess that’s the attraction for me :sweat_smile:
I enjoy the extreme, the violent and the deviant. :japanese_goblin: I guess that’s the reason why I feel so attracted to Kiwis :smiling_imp: :kiwi_fruit:

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no, we might not be the Anti Kiwi Liberation League, not to be confused with the League For The Liberation From Kiwi Oppression or the often mentiones Kiwi Obliteration Association, but neither them, nor us, approve of kiwi flavoured plants.

except golden kiwis, theyre nice… dont stone me! make me stoned!

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Yes, golden Kiwis definitely play in another league. Like Colombian Green and Colombian Gold I would say. :laughing: