Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?



Chips are made from potatoes only!

These are kiwi flakes of doom.


Or as our friends in England would say “Kiwi crisps”. Probably go great with fish and vinegar. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Yum Yummy!


I have never seen kiwi fish on a menu. For good reason.

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Try them fried like pickles.


Actually a pickled kiwi sounds pretty good. I dont like the texture of the fruit but pickeling might solve that problem. Throw in some hot peppers and some hard boiled eggs. That sounds better than smoking @Hashpants . Now where is @mota s bong?


Oh no everybody has turned against me! It’s me vs the kiwi lovers! Where is my pitchfork?

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Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


I will resist the kiwi influence to my last breath.

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Fuck, I swear it was just here a moment ago. Did I pass it to you and simply forget that I did so? The plot thickens.

Thankfully, I know where my other bong is! (Or at least I think I do…)

Man kiwi is a fruit like many others, I can’t eat it because of the seeds but I used to and it deppends a lot, you want it right, not too green not too mature.

About breeding those I guess it’s a pain in the ass because you need to ask them if they are males and the males go on top of the females, 2 many sexual complications on these for me to have some.

But I Don’t hate them.

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Hey @mota . I did not take your bong and I am appalled that you would suggest such an “under-handed” and dastardly idea ! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: However, I did take your lighter :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Keep in mind that I suggested that I passed it to you rather than you having somehow “taken” it. As it turns out, clearly I didn’t hand it to you. Whenever I hand my bong to another person, I make a point of doing so over-handed only! :wink: Hopefully I would never make such a dastardly accusation! (I like the word “dastardly!”)

Let’s load that bong and hit it!

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Give me a lighter. :rofl:

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No, you’ve got to pass it back to me!

Maybe I should be buying lighters in bulk like @Foreigner. He’s got so many I feel that they’re safe around him, or at least not a danger to others.

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I still steal them

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But in bulk. :+1:

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I will steal them in bulk.

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now that You got all the lighters, does Kiwi hair burn? do they cry if You do? is it a pleasant sound? does it kill the fruit fly babies inside?

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Burn burn burn them up!

i once stumbled into a chat of a 9mm guy vs a 45cal guy, in regards to bears…
They both came to the conclusion “fuck it, lets not meet bears again”. But do bears not look eerily similiar to huge kiwis? what does that teach us how best to defend against kiwis?
People shoot watermelons all the time, for fun, but nobody ever, except Magu, was afraid of watermelons.
Why dont they shoot kiwis?
its cause theyre scared, scared to admit it, kiwis dont give a fuck and theres only one defense, running really fast.

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