Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

Wait, you don’t like avocados?

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Kiwis are awesome. Especially the white vein in the middle.

Monstera deliciosa fruit is pretty darn good. Tastes like pineapple/banana. You really wouldn’t like a monstera deliciosa fruit if you don’t like kiwi. Much more mushy than a kiwi, texture is hard to get over for me

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Avocado = good
Kiwis = demon fruit of doom


haha no I find them to taste disgusting and have this weird pasty texture… plus they are kind of a huge waste of resources to grow.

I don’t eat anything that could double as a hairbrush if you stuck a handle on it.

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Comb on the cob


kiwis are tame AF
hop on that durian train.
you like nasty armpit icecream cheese? Go for that noni.


I have a pint in my freezer

I’ve got no quims with kiwi fruit. I did get to ‘thin’ some kiwi fruit in woofing when I was younger. They grow on vines and generally are commercially grown on trellises.

Did have a chuckle or two reading a bit of this thread - not sure if it was said already. But did you know you can eat the whole kiwi skin and ends and all. I don’t like the texture of the skin for the first bite - but after a couple chews it mixes in with the fruit and goes down easy (more nutrition as well) .

I realize this doesn’t make it any more tasty - if you don’t like kiwis - you won’t like their skin / just a tip to make it more convenient for eating.

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To your list…

Durian = devil’s suppository

:rofl: :+1:

OK, I’ll be good now…



Nice sweet ripe ones are delicious

its alright tho you can hate kiwis I get hating popular things. I dont like coffee beer or coke , apples or tomatoes(unless they are cooked then they are fine)…

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I love kiwis! This is just me but I wash it off and cut the ends off then eat like an apple. Eat it peel and all. If im feeling lazy ill just eat the whole thing and spit out the ends. One time my high dumbass fell for a April fools day banana kiwi hybrid someone used photoshop to make. I had a damn kiwi and banana toothpicks together for over a month in the dirt just composting and getting nasty in hopes of growing a baniwi. Ahh good times lmao!


Hate hate hate.

They are gross. I don’t eat anything green. They smoosh and flatten with a smash of my hand. They lack structural integrity. They are hairy like yo momma’s armpit.

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Ha ha ha. @Foreigner doesnt eat anything green. :joy: Thats ok, but dont make fun of hairy armpits. A lot of the old hippie girls had hairy armpits and they were beautiful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Not fake model types. They are too skinny. “Fat bottom girls make the rockin world go round. “


We call them kiwipits around here and make fun of them until they cry.


Yeah, it’s better with the skin on. I just eat them like a very juicy apple.

As a half ass aussie, I spilled my coffee reading this :rofl:


First of all, its ludicrous that this post already had over 100 responses. Foreigner is the click bait master!
Second: kiwi makes my mouth itch. Ew.


Number of kiwi fruits purchased lifetime: 0

I predict that this number will not increase.

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