Sons Of Avery's Organic Grow Journals

Attempted to make some Bokashi bran today.
I havnt followed an particular recipe, rather I looked at several different recipes and sort of just winged it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I decided to make 2 batches (the 2nd one as a sort of after thought once I’d jarred up the first lot and was left with a lot of the liquid).

My ingredients list is as follows.
*Malted Barley

  • Unsulfured molasses
  • LABs solution
  • Water (dechlorinated)
  • Barley (fresh picked from farmers field this afternoon. Ssshhhhh :shushing_face: don’t tell the farmer)
  • EM1 activated Aloe
    *crushed egg shells
    *dried banana peel

The LABs solution I had made previously as follows.
Rice wash water in a jar for 5 days.
Mixed 1:10 with organic milk, left in jar for 3-4 days, then separate the LABs solution.
(*edit the LABs solution is in the beer bottle :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Making the Bokashi bran was pretty straightforward.
Making the Bokashi solution.
*300ml Water
*30ml of LABs
*30ml of molasses

This ended up making way more solution than I needed (hence making 2 batches of bran).

This solution was added (little bit at a time) to the malted barley. Stirling and mixing with a wooden stick until the mixture was saturated but not soggy. Kind of like a loose cookie dough mix… if you’ve ever made cookies. :man_shrugging:
Here’s a before and after of the dry barley and the Barley mixed with solution.

The mixture is then sealed up in jar, and now its a waiting game to see if it works!

The 2nd batch I made exactly the same way as the first, but added crushed egg shells, diced dried banana peel, fresh picked barley and aprox 10ml of EM1 activated Aloe to the solution.

So, fingers crossed this works, if it doesn’t, just ignore all of the above :laughing: