DON'T do like Dank!

I’m here as my current time permits,been traveling for health care, taking up alot of time. Waiting on the “Dank”


Welcome guys, thanks for following along.

Currently I’m just waiting for the wolfpack and pura vida to show me their private parts. I suspect 1 of the wolf pack is a male but have no clue about the pura vida.

When transplanting from a solo cup to 1gal pots i was pretty smoked up and overwatered like a nube.

How did I water? I transplanted and soaked all of the soil in the new pot. Starving the roots of much needed oxygen which stopped growth and showed deficiencies.

How i should have watered…when putting a smaller plant in a much larger container its important to only give the plant enough water for about 3 days. Typically after a transplants I will only water around the root ball or outer edge of the pot. Then I water about 8oz of recharge around the stalk to promote root growth.
This will encourage the plant to expand its root system in search of water. While still giving the plant what in needs.
It took about a week to recover but they have bounced back very nicely. DON’T do like Dank !


Very wise words my friend, this is already a wealth of information for some.


@TopShelfTrees1 … I only treat myself to high priced beans once or twice a year but just couldn’t resist these. I think there are keepers in the middle of the road packs you just have to find them. However I’ve been looking for a worthy keeper for about 2 years now. Lol


That looks interesting. Strawberry and my first name. :v:t4:


Tagging along for the ride, I love learning the hard way too!


Here and following another Dank grow…

I did that 4 way LST once, took a bit more time as i was trying to fill in a smaller tent. Unfortunately i took it into late June when i noticed spider mites… and burned the plant. Heartbreaking…


I transplant from 1L into 1G into 3G. What I do is wet the mix and then wring out all the excess moisture until it’s just damp and there is no extra water.

I wait until the rootball is semi dry to transplant and this technique works well for me. No down time.


Excited to see your work @anon81143130!


Im going to tag along for this one too.
Good luck man.


I’m going impatient waiting for the pura vida and wolfpack to show sex. They are 5 weeks old and still nothing. If they don’t show by next weekend I’m just going to transplant then wait a week before flipping to flower.
I even tried showing them my private parts but they still won’t show me their goodies. Now they just laugh at me everytime I enter the room. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::laughing::sweat_smile::joy::rofl:


I settled on a height of 8" for the trump nutz and plan on flipping to flower next week. Ill just have to move the other plants back into the veg tent once I flip to 12/12.
Nice thing about these individual screens is a can raise and lower them as needed per strain. Then just raise the entire pot to make an even canopy.


Man, I gotta make some of those bad boys, so convenient. Looks awesome brother! Love the cleanliness , attention to detail. I gotta get some of those mephisto stickers for my collection.


Looking great bro! I’ll be watching!


Yeah I just keep slowly adding to the sticker collection lol. At 47 yrs old you would think I would be to mature for stickers but YOU WOULD BE WRONG.

@Molto_Mota the trumpnutz will be the first one going to flower.


Hey Mr!!! You keep this up and youll have to change the title to

Do like Dank do!!!

Looking great. Have you used the screen through flowering? Looks like a good design. I’ll be watching these ladies grow up!!!


I haven’t used these particular screens but single plant scrogs are what I used every grow about 15yrs ago. I think these screens will work well. Only cost me about $75 to build 6 of these.

Typically you would probably want to fill your screens before flipping to flower. I dont intend to use them like that though. My main purpose for these are allowing me to grow some taller strains. I plan on only using the 2 to 3 week stretch to fill my screen.


I’m building a few 100% absolutely love the idea! Makes them so much more user friendly for my application too! I’ll hit you up for the basic knowledge. And as for the stickers, we aren’t too far apart there, I still have an absolute sticker obsession. Trying to put together enough to cover a beer/seed fridge Well ,seed fridge lol who am I kidding!


How about “Lets do like Dank”
Those screens should be marketed! I was put off experimenting with a scrog cos of the limitations and was told its a pain to harvest a scrog grow.
You’ve fine tuned it well mate, awesome​:+1::+1:


When you are hitting higher than 50%…
{and you are}…
you need to change the title to "Do it Like Dank!"
