DON'T do like Dank!

It looks like a fun setup, and it is aesthetically pleasing. Coolbeans :star_struck:

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Oh you guys are giving me to much credit. Give me a little time and I’ll do some pretty dumb shit.


Dank dont like no big 80’s porn bush. Had to give her a new look. Quite honestly im not even sure of sex yet but everything im seeing makes me think female.
Well 14 tops certainly seems better than 1 :man_shrugging:

A little before and after



Im going transplant 3 more into 5gal pots this weekend. Need to let them recover a little after a major haircut.


Pulled out my 20yr old cloner and it didn’t work so well. The foam pucks were hard as nails plus the nozzles that weren’t broken were clogged. Thank you Amazon :blush:
This old peice of junk as successful kicked out tons of clones at a high success rate but hasn’t been used in about 15 yrs :rofl:


Cool to see the tech hasn’t changed in 20 years in regards to cloning. Tried and freaking true. Very nice. :sunglasses:


Funny because back then aero cloners were somewhat futuristic lol. I will probably start taking cuts in a week or 2 so I guess we will see if the old girl still works.
Any suggestions or adding anything to the water? I used to run a timer is that suggested or just run it 24/7 ?

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Yeah I’d figure that to be the case lol. I’d say some low strength nutes or a premix solution like clonex. I think most people run a timer.


I add nothing to the water and give them 24/0 under a POS fluoro.

I change the water every week. It comes out of the tap at 7.0 but tends to rise after awhile.


Awesome, thanks guys.


I change the water also at a week , so avg. I change water once per grow, the first water has nothing in it, other then ph down…
The second water has clonex,kelp and biobizz root in it in very small amounts.
I am happy with my results


I’m not 100% but I think I add powdered root hormone in the past but its been a long long time.


I’m a newbie pretty much with cloning so there’s that…

I typically dip the cuts in Clonex… add more to the reservoir with a low dosage of Megacrop. Change after 5 days or so… my last run were my healthiest and quickest yet with 100% rooting.

Shooting for 76 to 82*F… Iv thrown in a frozen bottle of water to bring temps down if needed… low lighting under T5.

Rooting powder when placed in medium, only because I happen to have some.


I’m a bit late to the party but glad I found this truly inspiring setup sir very clean I like it. I will be following your adventure for sure


Welcome @cannabliss , don’t let me setup fool you as I am a master at shooting myself in the foot. Very happy to have everyone along for the ride. I stick by my promise of having prenty of bumps along the road.


It’s a journey for all of us I shut down this spring"cops" lol and I swear starting up has been a challenge it’s like I never grew before bugs ph light burn just crazy but fun fun. I love seeing well put together grows like yours gives me something to aspire too. Currently I’m struggling with some auto reversals I’ve failed before with CS thought STS would be easier and really thought it was working huge pollen sacks healthy but alas no a grain of pollen bums me out a few of them were my last seed like the double grape. Eh we live and learn right anyway good stuff here can’t wait to see more


I made my own cs spray a few times and it worked great. Just a pain spraying so often.

@cannabliss id be happy to hook you with some double grape if you like :+1: just pm me your info

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Ok now I’m freaking happy :blush: the one wolfpack that stinks to high hell is a confirmed female. Woohoo, thats the one I really wanted. Never had a plant stink this bad in veg.
I will definitely be taking clones from this stinky bitch


Congrats, it’s a girl! Raise that stinky bitch right now!


Damn these plants recover fast. First pic was 3 days ago and 2nd pic from 3min ago lol