Down by the riverside - UK autoflower

I would like to see that.


Only fans subs are only Ā£9.99 a month brother :kissing_heart:


Do I have to see you?


No mate. More like 5+ weeks more. Iā€™ll have to have a check through my thread to see if I can work out the approximate age. The plants in the pots are about 2 weeks younger than the ones directly in the dirt.
Edit - the plants directly in the dirt were started indoors the beginning of April so they are around 7.5 weeks old from seed.


Just my chocolate starfish :wink:

That definitely makes me feel better. Maybe theyā€™re not doing all that bad then :sunglasses: Iā€™m using today to get those autos out down by the river :100: just waiting for shopping to be delivered first.


:rofl: I got you, you prick :rofl:


[quote=ā€œColeLennon, post:127, topic:111195ā€]
I got you, you prick
For Ā£9.99 a month you get the full package not just the prick :joy:

Most the autos are down by the river now. Just dug straight in the dirt. The LRUV x cheese regs dont look good so just binging them off. Purple dark sparks x blueberry are going out in the garden too and 1 ghost poop x cookie devil.

Hank was an eager little helper as you can tell. Spike not so much. Did make a picnic to take with us too :muscle:


Blueberry autos, ice cream cake #5 photoperiod (maybe take cuts see how she does), 3 purple dark sparks x blueberry auto and 1 ghost poop x cookie devil auto

Will check whatā€™s survived by the actual river when Iā€™m back off holiday.


1 blueberry Male
2 blueberry female so far.
Will be chopping the male today before we go away tomorrow.


Do you guys not have any problems with slugs ? My garden is murder for them.
I cut the bottom and top of an old plastic bottle and put sticky copper tape round it then put that over the plant, stops them climbing onto the plants, they left a cpl of mine in a right state one year, none since i did that :+1: Peace.


I had one snail on a plant before they went in the actual ground but so far definitely not in the garden. That may change later in flower though mate. Guessing youā€™re UK too?


Hi MCR0161 yea im up near Gaz29 met him hes a great fallah he gave me some nice auto beenz from people on here that im going to give a bash outside, I was also sent some Finland super and ultra fast beenz on here that were bred at lat 62, ive got a few RGS DFG X BX1 out allready nearly a monthy old. Peace.


Iā€™ve met @Gaz29 and his little girl in person too a few years ago. He is definitely a sound bloke. Iā€™ve got a fair stack of auto beans if you need some bro.


Thanks MCR0161 that would be ace, I can swap you some of the beenz I got from finland if you want aswell, they are all auto regs, maybe you could do something with them ? Did you drive up from down south with an LED? Peace.


Youā€™re very welcome. Iā€™ve got more than I could possibly grow out. Mainly blueberry crosses and regular auto too. Iā€™ve got some growing out in the garden at home. And I certainly did take him a replacement light up from Manchester so not the south but south of the border to you bro :joy: I wouldnā€™t mind some of the Finnish seed either thatā€™s much appreciated :sunglasses:


Letā€™s hope theres no males before Iā€™m home dropping pollen. Theres a very good chance my personal pollen has seeded the mrs :no_mouth: not sure what to be thinking


Aim for the fringe not the minge , that was always my motto : )


Youā€™ll be thinking that your fucked for another 16+ years now :rofl:

Now that saying there is life saving advice.
I just wish Iā€™d seen it before now :roll_eyes::rofl::v:

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Shut upā€¦bastards :joy::joy::joy:

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All the blueberry are female bar the one male I already chopped. Not sure on the other smaller plants yet obviously. The ones down by the river are semi doing okay. Iā€™ve not fed once. Some lower yellow leaves but with yesterdays thunderstorm at least theyā€™re wet. Weā€™re due another storm today. (Which Iā€™ll probably stand in smoking a joint again).

Oh I also met the neighbours the other side. They had a BBQ the other day and hank decided to go and introduce himself to one of their friends dogs :roll_eyes: I had to jump the fence and hold him back. Once they sniffed each other with a grip on both they were fine. The neighbours and the friend were also fine thankfully. I Couldnā€™t apologise enough. They also know about the BB autos and will be happy to ignore any smells :sunglasses: