Dr.Greenthumb seeds

Does anybody run his gear? Supposedly the g13 he has is Sandy’s cut that he got from dogless. I’m kinda tempted to get some but at 200 for a 5 pack of fems is kinda of a big risk for me to take at the moment.


@Rocket @Seamonkey84
Believe they got some of those $200 G13 5 packs and after growing them out realized they received mislabeled Millennium Bud instead of the G13 they paid for and Dr.Greenthumb wouldn’t do anything for them.


Someone here grew the g13 last year, I forget who…

I don’t really care for his g13 but I’m myself checking out one of his lines, I’ll order soon… gotta burn some of that f u money I guess


Like holyangel said Dr greenthumb has terrible customer service

It’s not the 2000s anymore you can find better breeders like bodhi


What ever it was that he sent us, it was a waste of time. Seemed promising as they were all vigorous and hefty plants, but the bud structure wasn’t there, more stem and leaf than calyx, and all mids. Everything he has for sale is rate too high except for appearance/yield. But the yield isn’t really usable and took like 13wks to finish


Thanks “members” was considering Dr,GreenThumbs - NOW i’m going to re-consider - Yea! $150.00 a pack is high was goin gto get his Panama Red BUT got Ace’s gear instead - Panama - glad I did - got massive yields from it. Hard to beat Ace’s gear


From the little I know… dr gt is a huge sativa head and Panama red is one he’s been looking for for a long time, traveling and growing every Panama he could get his hands on, discarding all, until the one he’s offering now. Almost 20 years in the making. That’s my 2nd choice

I want his big laughing… get 2 packs and seed increase etc


Man, good to see that Name!!! How have you been, Old Friend? Hope you, Family, and ALL in your Circle are well. You still in "P’land? PLEASE take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


There are so many other “breeders” that supply legit s1 of the elite cuts that green thumb there advertises and overcharges for.

@misterbee Family and life drama, but other wise healthy and alive. The grow life has been going overall well till i recently realized I kinda bottlenecked my perpetual grow ration/cycle when I didn’t fully take the into account of all the different finishing times of the mixed strain grows


Easy to do, especially if you have a “short”/7 - 8 weeker, and misc 10, 11, 12 weekers. Throws everything “out of kilter”. End up doing the same tasks over 'n over again. Glad to see you’re still at it. Might hit you up for some “Cuts” in the Spring, compensation extended, of course. Farmington’s Inventory seem to be “hit 'n miss”, mostly miss. Haven’t checked out any of the other places Instate. Any recommendations? Do continue to prosper, take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


DrGreenthumb’s G-Turd-teen = Pure Hay

3 Packs were order and it was all trash.


People, you are better off purchasing Hashplants from Afghanistan or Pakistan instead of ordering Doc’s G-:poop:-teen.


OG will see PLENTY of Hash Plant in the very near future!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I got a pack of his Sour Diesel. Everybody said he had the real deal. They were DAMN expensive seeds. I ran all of them. It was generic weed that did not smell very much at all, medium yielding, and not worth taking clones from. I still have another pack in the fridge, but I’d rather search through other packs than try those again right now.
I grew those two seasons ago.


Yea, was so promising up till the end when the buds broke up like that and didn’t have any real smokable bud. All my plants broke up like that too even when I took them to finish. Dried out to look like larfy foxtails


I had good luck with his ECSD S1 but it was acquired back in 2014-15 so not sure if things have changed.

Here is one I ran in the Puck HP BC3 Series run.

It also seemed to cross well with the Puck HP BC3. I don’t have the smoke report yet but they look nice. More to follow…


only difference with Dr. Green Thumbs Panama and Aces’ Panama is that Dr. GreenThumbs panama has Refferman’s “Panama” strain cut into it. Otherwise they are the same genetics ----FYI (ref: Seedfinders.eu)

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Boy . had a $10.00 off “tag” also --Dam-near pulled the trigger - Thanks again OverGrow (if one person has issues is much different than if many people have issues = stay away