Dragon’s Coco Coir Kaya Train 🚆

I recently decided to come out of my cave to find some strains and I landed here. I apologize in advance if my presence here disturbs you, I know some people aren’t comfortable around Dragons.

Kaya Train = SOG with two rotations in flower splitting the time in half…


Shes looking good! That’s quite a read but it’s sounds like you have a good system setup that works for you and that’s all that matters! Id love to tag along and see what this grow produces for you!

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Very nice introduction, I enjoyed reading your entire process, so do you just root in a cup of water? I used to do this, rarely ever failed (unless u leave water too long) I like your style. Looking forward to seeing more and WELCOME TO OG! you definitely found THE PLACE TO BE, trust me I’ve been everywhere else, this is the last one you’ll have to explore


Yeah, I like to be able to see roots with my own eyes before putting it into the coco. I have the pump going to the cup on the same fertigation schedule as the mother plant, so there is always new water pouring into the cup and the old water is draining out of the hole in the cup (for the most part), this keeps the water fairly fresh. I use a new cup each time. If my temperature and humidly are on point this method works better than everything else I tried.

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Ahh, now I see, very interesting and unique. I used cups and tap water for years until I learned to use rockwool but still do time to time if I’m in no rush. I really like that idea you have though. Very cool

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I used to use clone-x but now I am using a blend I created for clones.

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Very cool! As custom as it gets I love it

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Care explaining? I guess there’s fans involved?

That’s a nice little setup you have there.

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Yes. I put a DC computer fan on either end of these file box’s I bought. I used the file box’s because they already have bars to string the wires on. I put some shelving inside this one for small pieces and left the other box with wire only to hang big pieces. I dont have a space to dry on screens so this allows me to put them in the flower room under the canopy and the charcoal filter eats up most the stink. It makes it easy to move the load around too.
I can crack the lid or leave it shut to control speed, wondering if a humidity control to prolong the dry time might cure a little. Takes about a week with the fans always on. Works good!


Interesting setup, thanks for the description!

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That’s about the right rate… :+1:
I used a ‘dehui’ to control the RH this spring (best cure ever) and it ran a week to bring the RH down to 60%.
If your ambient RH is around 60% you don’t need it but if you are higher (70% and higher) it is a good idea.



I see what is goin on. :+1:

Log entry 12.5385
The plant is growing!

How to Dragon Puff:

  • Take a fat hit and hold it in a lil while.
  • Then quickly blow the smallest amount of smoke/vape as you can from out of your nose and stop and hold the rest of the hit in.
  • Then quickly blow the smallest amount of smoke/vape as you can from out of your nose and stop and hold the rest of the hit in
  • Keep repeating small dragon puffs until the hit is all released.
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I’m enjoying seeing all the outdoor work come along by everybody.
I’ve been enjoying seeing a lot of the newbies on this site as well. Makes me remember all that loving energy I had for my first grow. I mean I still get that same feeling but it isn’t ever the same as that first time. My first crop was back in 95, I sowed 100 paonia purple paralyzer seeds in the hills in early April under some visqueen, 75 popped (60 were female). I sowed around 40 more later and had about 80 beautiful plants much taller than me by the end of the season. Looking back I cant believe how well they grew being my first time, but it was outdoor.
My grow was pretty cool, I cut the bottoms out of milk jugs, painted them green and connected two together in every section of the grow with a rubber tube and poked small holes into it. This caught the rain water and slow fed it, I would also pour my organic nutrients into there whenever I hiked up so it would slow feed. I also read in Mel Franks book (my bible coming up) that rock phosphate could not burn the plants so I got a bunch of it. The package said it slowly broke down over 8 years adding more to the soil each year. I boiled that shit down and made a tincture or tea that worked awesome. To this day I believe this is why the buds got so good. I have been growing off and on since but I put my focus into some other things for a good part of my life and didn’t grow. As soon as I starting using these nutrients I formulated, the buds I grow are super good and I am still dialing things in here and there. I know I can make them better. I have had breeding on my mind for years but never had the space to do it. You people who have been breeding for years make me jealous.

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This one was pretty good!


So I told you guys about the Germinator I use. Here is another great tool that I use which saves me all sorts of hassle. I think it is fair to call this “robot” an assistant, which I do. I have it on my RO but it should work straight off a tap also. I love this thing! It fills my containers while I walk away and do whatever else I am doing. I don’t know if you all know this but I am a total stoner., lol. Before I got this thing I would walk away and forget I was filling my container.


Using a Noctua computer fan for internal circulation… :+1: :sunglasses:


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