Droopy Plants Help!

night humidity does spike a bit because i am running a sealed tent with c02. i have a dehumidifier but it has trouble keeping up when the lights are off. it gets as humid as 80 percent but usually when the lights are on its at 55%

i will check the root zone closer but i banged a few pots and nothing came out. ill go poke around in a few pots.

That isn’t it. I feel bad but i think you stumped me. Hopefully it is something simple we are overlooking. If i think of something i will let you know. Sorry for your troubles.


80% is quite high is it not? Give you over watering symptoms? I keep mine around 35% in flower room.

It is high, but i risk it with some pheno’s of strains with no problems. With my pheno of Orange Creamsicle i keep it around 70% night and day until week 8 or 9. @MysteryMoog

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Id be scared shitless seeing mine that high. It would give me nightmares of foxtails, budrot, oh my …ya, id be up all night…haha

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You should be. I mostly grow from seed now and can learn there immune system over time. Not all plants can fight off all the molds and nasties.

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I bet you any money your ph is off. Its that or the genetics. Some genetics just arnt good. It could have stressed from the flip now its pissed.


It looks like either an extreme toxicity or pests.

What are your pH numbers looking like( pH of water going in and pH of the runoff please)



How are you controlling the co2? What is your average room ppm of co2?

Damn! I didn’t think of that.


I’m not exactly sure when you say hydro… . I can say this for hydro or water cultures, roots get kind of lazy in water cultures so when you transfer them to a medium like coco, it will take adjusting…

So they look droopy, and if they were in a lower intensity light then moved to a higher intensity light its not getting enough water, Either your RH is low or the roots cannot support the increased light because of higher rates of transpiration. I don’t think overwatering is the cause, coco is hard to overwater, and even harder to overwater if you add pearlite.

My thoughts are to get the plants used to coco, I’m familiar with the canna line and I would have let them get adjusted to the coco with a little Rizotonic, and slowly watered them more and more each day till root mass could support the plant. Lucky for you roots really like coco, there are no problems with roots growing very quickly into coco.


I think he hasn’t transplanted them, just pointed out he doesn’t have any past experience with growing in hydroponis.

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Hey guys thanks to everyone who posted in this thread.

First of all I think there was some confusion about whether these plants were started in Hydro. They were not. Previous to this run I had ONLY grown using true hydroponics. This was my first run in Coco.

Ok so I had an expert grower take a look at what I had going on and this is what we have figured out.
These plants are 100% healthy. They are just shocking hard.

I was under the school of thought where you put your plants in the dark for 24 hours before putting them into bloom. This is not considered best practice. The stress of going from 18 hours of light to 24 hours of darkness then into 12 hours of light is very hard on plants. This genetic just happens to really show it. A better way I have been told is to drop gradually from 18 to 16 then to 14 then to 12 to cause less stress to the plants.

To treat the plants the day before yesterday I had prepared a foliar spray of superthrive (vit b1) and growth plus(organic seaweed) out of desperation. Turned out that was the best thing I could have done for them. When I checked in on them this morning they looked a little perkier already and usually they need 3 to 4 days before they come back.

Ill post some more pics when they are happy again.

Thanks again guys I am super stoked to have found this site I hope I can help some of you one day as you helped me.


That makes sense. You fucked with the lights too much. Sometimes plants shock from just flipping 12/12 right away. Unnatural darkness only harms the plants.

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Dang I was thinking transplant shock, too.

I think the information was incomplete and miscommunicated, Canna coco is hydroponics. No mention of the long blackout time. etc.

I guess I’m just irritated that I didn’t get a correct diagnosis.

Yea, we were left in the dark, it is important to share all available info especially any unusual practices :slight_smile: . Grower himself is the key to solution…

But good for you, this makes sense to me - some strains are very sensitive to light (and some droop when touched by human).

Good luck with recovery.


@GrowerGoneWild It’s all right some one will give us another shot. Ha! Ha! I thought @GrapeApe had it with suffication, too much or not enough co2.

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I believe it’s more important for us to risk being wrong, so the growers have a better chance of getting things right.


I’m not mad at the OP at all, I need to learn from incorrect diagnosis. I use these forums to practice because in real life I cant have too many errors when working a garden or when a client has a problem.

I should have asked more questions… I’m learning from my mistakes.