Tacoing leaves not from heat/light

Hey All-

I’m having an issue in my SIP and need some help. I’m seeing tacoing leaves which I’ve only know to be associated to heat or light intensity. My tent has been sitting at 75-80 degrees and my light intensity is 500 PPFD. I run 24 hour veg to help keep temps up. I’m seeing this issue along with what I believe to be magnesium issue. A bit of googling pointed to possible phosphorus but I hadn’t heard that before. I am seeing this tacoing on lower growth as well as the upper growth, though it does seem worse at the canopy.

I recently scratched in some dolomite with the idea my ph is low and magnesium is locked out. This is an organic grow in a sub irrigated planter so I won’t be checking runoff ph.

The other plant in my tent was also struggling with calcium and magnesium issues and has responded better than this one here. No tacoing whatsoever on one of them. 🤷

Second plant last week pre dolomite.

And same plant today. I did pick off some of the bad leaves, but overall it does seem better off this week.

I’ve been foliar spraying Epsom salts and 5% calcium this last week.

I’d appreciate any suggestions!


If you gonna run 24 hr lights then maybe lower the intensity.


Sometimes they will ‘taco’ like that when in low humidity.

What’s your RH?



RH has been sitting at 55-65% but I could kick that up a bit. The leaves that are tacoing are also very dry around the edges. What’s weird is I’ve never seen tacoed leaves below the trellis.

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For me it’s either low RH ( < 50%) or light intensity.
…and today it was light intensity… :smirk:



I’m like that guy who says “my plants are definitely not overwatered” and they clearly are, lol. Light is the only thing that makes sense. While there are some lowers taco’s it is mostly on top. I just checked DLI (normally just check PPFD) and my DLI was 48 which is on the higher side, especially if they’re dealing with deficiencies.

Raised light and dropped DLI to 38 for now and will monitor to see improvement.

Thank you.


What substrat, nutrition used? PH correct? Dreanage good?

That would’ve been the first thing I told you, raise it, see how they look tomorrow…

When they get too much light, they’ll curl and try to keep themselves from absorbing all the light the know they cant

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Once they taco, then they might not untaco themselves, it also depends a lot on the cultivar. I’ve had one taco while the others didn’t. I had good yield though so I don’t think it matters much, so long as they stay green.


For sure… I know that you’ll never stop a starfighter or any of its progeny from taco-ing, but in that case, it more frosty catchers


Light was my first thought but I continued reading the title and thought I was wrong turns out I’m getting pretty good at spotting light stress

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I would switch to 20/4 or even less, they may be stressed by that continuous light and tacoing might be a defence … :roll_eyes:


I also notice the plants are pretty big compared to the soil volume, gotta keep that in mind, as above, so below.

I would have flipped to flower a couple of weeks ago.

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I think they’re in Earthboxes

They still have their limits.

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You are absolutely correct and looking back I’ve never had a plant that big in a sip unless flowering.

Big ups!!



Yup, I’ve been trying to get them healthy before flipping. I’m definitely behind.

Looks like a problem with the root area, sometimes if you have root rot or compacted soil/medium.

Thank you. This run I used a soil from a local soil maker and it was on the heavier side. I had to add a good deal of perlite to lighten it up. I will probably give it a few days between filling the reservoir after it dries to let it lighten up a bit. Thanks!

Back to my Coots mix next cycle!

Also pH when foliar feeding. Almost looks like when I tried to fight off powder mildew I sprayed with a homemade concoction involving baking soda and baking soda threw off ph

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