Droopy Plants Help!

Hi guys,
I recently switched from hydro to coco and I am having trouble diagnosing what is going on with my plants. They are on day 7 of bloom and not bouncing back from the light change or so I thought. The leaves are drooping and they show stress on the stems and such. Any help would be great.

I hate to be simplistic but it looks like you need to water, or it is to hot. If you start to get die off then your roots might be screwed from not being used to soil or in your case coco.

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ya i thought they were just thirsty as well but I watered/fed them yesterday because they needed it but they were still ok before then and have been drooping for a week or so. these plants were started in coco as newly rooted clones. Lights on temp is 79.5 F and lights off is 70.0

If you transplanted them, i wonder if they simply are not taking? Or taking some time. I know when i clone with my aero cloner, and put them in dirt, i simply get a few that have a rough time making the transition. Most come back, but some simply die. And i imagine plants that big are going to have a rough time going from one medium to another.

I don’t know it could be pests in the root zone but i am just guessing. Without looking in the soil and knowing everything that has gone on that is all i can do. I would be worried though.

I had a mother do that once in soil. Went from beautiful plant, to wilting to dead in 72 hours. No other plants affected, and still no clue why she died.

How long did you wait to transplant? Did you transplant from hydro to coco? Or was it from a pot? How did you transplant. Any food? What lights? How far away are the lights? Tap a pot. Any bugs crawlin around or flying out?

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they were started in the pots they are in now as newly rooted clones.

just to clarify, this group of plants was never in hydro. they were cloned into jiffy pucks then planted and vegged in coco. the trouble started when they were kicked into bloom.

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Looks like a water issue, but since that’s apparently not the case, did you, by chance, over fert?

I am confused. Did i miss something. Where these hydro?

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no pests detected at all. they are being fed 3 part advanced nutrients with cal mag added every time. the lights in bloom are 600 watt hps which are currently about 36 inches from the plant canopy.

If these were coco from the start did you rinse the coco?

I may be wrong, but this doesn’t look like wilting from lack of watering (.

Plants also regularly droop a bit at night… Is the photo from day or night period?

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these were never in hydro but I have always grown in hydro before this run. i have never seen this on any of my plants before this which is why i mentioned i recently switched

i suppose it could too much fert?

night period however they droop in the day period as well

i didnt rinse the coco but its canna coco… thought it came ready to use?

High humidity maybe? I don’t believe it is over feed because it has been going on for a while and no toxicity signs yet. If you have wilt or mosaic virus you are screwed.

Can you check root zone in detail… any living creatures there (larvae)?