Dry herb vaporizer...Who uses them?

these are just my opinions:

for optimizing the performance, you have to pace the breath-in, a vulcano bag, you have the option not to.

I do an “count of 8 in, hold, let out”. a slow draw hits hard. very similar to the bag.
2 min auto shutoff can be bypassed by occasionally playing with the temp buttons but it is rather useful feature.

portable mini vulcano.


And, I am on my way to the smoke shop to pick up my new volcano classic.




Awesome!!! They are the best !!! I love mine and hold it really dear. They are hands down best quality. Remember keep up on maintenance and it will last atleast 20 yrs, I had one that lasted ten years and it was the classic. Until it got ripped off, that was the only thing we put bud through. Really has been saving our lungs since we got another classic, its really really nice. hands down would say its a staple.


Review!! Tell us how you like it! @nefrella


Ooooh fr fr !!! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: @Pawsfodocaws


Ok - I :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: the Volcano :volcano:

Very nice packaging …

Initial thoughts on quality - holy cow, German craftsmanship wins again.

Turned it up to 9, and just proceeded to melt my face. Bag/smoke denseness was a milky color, and the flavor was really good. There’s the vape taste for flower, but unlike the Pax3, its a lot more mellow.

As to ease of use - I’m sure when I’m at work the husband will be able to operate quite easily. He was even surprised at how good the taste was. I really liked how easy it was for the two of us for a smoke session, very nice.

Did do the recommended 20 minute “start up cleans heating”, then like 5 bags later, im hearing like wa wa wa wa wa ringing in my ears.

Bwuahahaha. Success.


Very nice. My wife and I love it, its well made, and very healthy. Hits hard. Congrats!!!


I know what you mean. My mate has the Plenty and it is amazing. The first time we used it I was trying to draw hard and it was good. Then i slowed down like i sometimes do with my little Herbva vape and did a long slow draw and near on killed myself :slight_smile: I was not ready for it that’s for sure. Thanks for the info. :+1:


Been watching some episodes “cannabis enthusiasts “ you tube channel and was considering other vape options that don’t break the bank so to say, checking out the Non battery powered Dynavap and sticky bricks anyone use the torch based dry vapes?


Yea I have the dynavap and I really like it. It has a bit of a learning curve but you can enjoy it right of the bat.

Here is a recent thread about 'em:


Sweet thanks for sharing missed that thread thanks for bringing to my attention!


I’ll 2nd the dynavap…hard to believe its even a vape

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After 4 years of faithful service my v1 Arizer Air bit the dust recently. Tried different batteries, just will not even power on consistently anymore.

I wish the Storz and Bickel gear had non-soldered batteries, so you could swap in new 18650s. I don’t know why they haven’t implemented that!

Might go with another arizer, but that dynavap is freakin’ cool also, I just don’t like the idea of having to carry a torch around for use, that thing would also be a biatch to use on the ski lift! :slight_smile:


The Plenty will rock you. Use the concentrate pad as a spacer so you don’t have to load as much. Mine can run on .2 to .25 this way no problem. Of course you can load an.obscene amount if you want to. The fact it’s a no stir oven is really nice too.


I said exactly the same thing about my Mighty! Finely crafted machine. I use it all day everyday! Haven’t smoked a joint in a month.




Fr fr . If I could vape dry herb during the work day, I’d be all over that. Found that smoking wax via my huny badger is easier for work days lol.

Edit - I seriously will likely end up buying one anyway . Lol


How much flower do you use in the PAX3? I have one as well and have trouble getting any good smoke out of it with flower. It works fantastic with concentrates but with flower I have so much trouble and always feel like I am wasting it

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I’d say when I use mine, it’s about .25 gram that I can cram in the oven at a time. I used mine for awhile with the wax, it worked “ok”. Since i got a huny badger, haven’t looked back since.

This was one of those purchases that, at the time, was sooooo cool. Now it sits on my weed table, collecting dust.

Get yourself a Volcano - you’ll never turn back!


I love my dynavap but hate the electric vapes. I will say I have always wanted to try a volcano but im definitely not paying that price.


Very spendy- hopefully will last for many years :v::peace_symbol::crazy_face:

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