Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far!


little bit of dubbin, around. got some auto fems planted and hopefully ready for the injection reversal . wish me luck.

Mr Tom Kruger keeping his eye on me


we got to make sure the garden spirits don.t get to wild on us.

couple of up hill shots

there is a third row back on the hill. but cj91, jack the ripper and kc-33 are blocking them from view… lol.

gonna have to borrow a good tape measure soon. they are getting big.

she says dont take my picture but i could not resist. my girl picking the wild black berries.


i was getting ready to do an update on the autos hbbsc for @Pigeonman because the london fog rolled in and i had to bring them in to finish. pea soup out side.

then the front yard said take my pic too.

always wish you could smoke these red buds. :rofl:

any how back to the update for @Pigeonman on the hbbsc. pic before i brought them in . the misses says look you caught a humming bird in the photo. use the click zoom.

in between the well cap and stone. i rember shewing it away when taking photo. think it was chewing and enjoying the hbbsc or eating the bugs that were getting high. :thinking:. one mean machine. once you zoom click you can see clasic wasp / hornet. not too shabby for my girls i phone 6s. believe it or not i have never owned a cell phone.

and on a side note pleasantly surprised @Coda both long times are girls pic soon.


What a beautiful spot you have carved out there. The girls are looking fantastic :wink:


@mainerJ your garden looks amazing as does the hbbsc’s!


I think :thinking: it’s the cats :cat2: that keep them gardens looking :eyes: so good. I am convinced it’s all about the cats :cat:! :joy::joy::joy::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Easy to be happy taking care of that beautiful garden in good company, really good looking plants … beer3|nullxnull

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Beautiful yard @mainerJ , so many different plants and all the different colors. Just incredible…very very nice

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I like your spot mainerJ. :+1:t5:

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thanks! you the good folks of OG! for your love and kind words. well received and appreciated

means a lot to both of us. :pray:

we have all we can do to keep up. :seedling:

let me get back after it before the sun goes down. still got day light to burn. :green_heart:

therefore i got some dubbin around needs taken care of, before i call it a day. :sunglasses:

have a great evening everyone!


Outta likes but love all your pictures and updates! Keep em coming brother! Everything is looking fantastic!

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@Pigeonman the rain dance worked over this way. rained for a couple hours this morning. still need more rain but at least the gardens got a decent drink today. get any rain your way?

@MoBilly and @Emeraldgreen for some reason when i saw this it made me think about you. :laughing:

have a good saturday everyone!


that is a good one @mainerJ:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: hope you are having a good weekend… thinking about making some relish this weekend

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Way too funny!!!


@FirstCavApache64 here is a shot of the trinity cut. i really dig the shape and way this girl looks.
been a real easy plant to grow also. she is very happy in twenty gal pot.

here are the 2 longtime girls @Coda
LONGTIME -(Vietnam Black x Devil’s Tit)x(Vietnam Black x Devil’s Tit) courtesy of @Guitarzan .

2 distinct pheno’s. shorter bushy one and taller lanky one. if i had to guess short bushy is devils tit leaner? and taller lanky one resembles vietnam black?
those with the knowledge of this cross let us know if my guess is correct? i have seen reference to the vietnam black from other OGers. here who have grown this @PhilCuisine and i think maybe @Floyd possibly? chime in please.

@GCBudz your alive monster cj91 is tough for me to do justice for the photo. she is thriving in the 30 gal. trust me i need to get better pics.

this one makes me excited. i only had one seed left of this K.C. BRAINS kc-33. google if you like to check this one out?
i have been hanging to that seed since early or mid 1990’s. it was worth saving. i am very pleased to say its a Girl! will be taking cuts and reversing yes sir, yes sir.

after the bit of rain we had today i went out dubbed around for a bit. all unwanted males removed. all girl plants in pre flower bout to go full flower real soon.
they all got the full treatment / works for flowering season. Mr. Humic, Blue Planet Nutrients Easy Weed, Build a Soil Horticultural Coconut, Build a Soil Build A Bloom, Real Growers Recharge, and a good dose of food grade epsom salt.

then before i tucked the plants in for the night they all got a extra good sulfur spray down.they are all bout to flower so no more sulfur. had two apps recently no powdery mildew to be seen anywhere.

sulfur stinks wore a mask and it still stinks when i breath. :rofl:

brought the xj-13 men inside for the seed run. so far so good.

enjoy your grow :seedling:


how ya doing @chronix ? any progress mending the plants after the storm?

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You got it looking great! I just had some Trinity flower earlier tonight. It’s really good flower for me. Nice effects that are balanced without gluing me to a chair. Can’t wait to see all those plants you have in a few weeks in flower


I got most of them taken care of.
I still have to deal with 3 mutant plants. After alot of weeding out the Morning Glory vines and some staking they should be fine.
Your garden is looking excellent. :smiley: :+1:


i have a couple few of the cheesebake x gambianbb autos breaking ground . hope they survive the critters checking things out…
so many possible hazards with outdoor grows. real farmers know you can loose the whole grow / crop in a day outdoors. never know what mother nature will throw at you on any given day.

glad to here the plants survived mother natures high stress training that she gave your plants. i am telling ya this is gonna be a good crop to remember. :wink:

good to hear from you.


Great updates as always!!
That’s were that box came from :pray: :rofl::rofl:


get any rain overnight? the pond is looking thirsty.

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