Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

You can see the work! Definitely enjoy the updates

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dont forget to share them pics with me when you give pops all them post cards. no wait better yet get a good video to share. with us.

thanks for that good man.!


That is a super sized dubbing around update, place is looking fantastic @mainerJ , you sure put alot of love into your work and it shows…


I’ll take the the tripod for taking pictures of the tents with my phone and start a video then give him his gift. Once I’m done I’ll upload the video to YouTube and post a link on the thread for everyone to see


@Pigeonman took a couple better shots of the hbbsc. this strain lives up to the smell a scope, for sure. they really stink in a delicious way :nose:

in a 3 gal pot.


Dude! The plant looks so dope!




wow i never did the click zoom. you are right. wow.

thanks for offering these on the server auction.

very happy and i am digging these. :yum:


Good morning over this way!


Good morning


Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far!


morning @MoBilly @Emeraldgreen @HighTilliDie and everyone. it is another beautiful day here today.

hope everyone enjoys today! and has a good week!


Good morning @mainerJ and gang… kinda cloudy here today a little cooler. I am sure its gonna be a great week . What kinda dubbing around do you have planned for today?


hope to get some pots filled and plant a few fem autos to grow out so i can try the injection method of reversal

.An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

had to switch over to indoor auto grows because electricity is so expensive in maine. no long veg or flower time with the autos. this saved my winter grow thank goodness, because i def need some kind of activity when locked inside for the long winter.

picked up the mars hydro fce-8000 last season. it replaced 2 600 hps i was using at about half the wattage because i never turned it up past 70-75 percent. it was a game changer the plants just absolutly loved the led and buds were so dense and real gooey!

what you up to today?


Those leds are amazing, so much power savings not just in the light itself but all the fans and such to keep the grow rooms cool. Have you looked at the uv supplemental lights ?
I am in a pretty big project here installing a large fire pit. My back yard is not level so I have to put in a retaing wall and do alot of leveling. Will be installing flagstone for the walking area.



so true the controllers , fans and fans that were always running. made a big change and allows me to still play around after they just decided to double the the electric rate over night it is already to high then it got doubled. fixed and low income are crushed. seems everything in life had doubled in costs, but our wages have not double.

i did look into supplemental lighting. it gets involved for regulation of proper times to use and such. ugh more controls or apps. thats why i went the mars fce series instead of the fc. fce uses brideglux leds and fc uses samsung. long story made short the fce series produce a better far red spectrum.

there is a good in depth tech review here for any one is interested or in the market for an led and could use this info.

if you havent watched it yet @Gpaw you may get a kick out of it. always enjoyed you talking leds here with others on OG when i was trying figuring them leds out. :thinking:

took them a bit to get here but decent tech & led products can be had today and just keeps getting better.

enjoy your grow everyone. :seedling:

almost forgot. that is gonna be one hell of a fire pit!! you are ambitious for sure. my back hurts just looking at it.
fear not i for see that you will be rewarded immensely for your efforts by spending the best of times with your family and friends around the fire.

nothing in life makes me happier that being around a camp or bomb fire enjoying family and loved ones. :fire:

have a great week everyone.


Be careful around those bomb fires. Sounds sketchy. Haha


Those are the easiest ones to get going. You don’t even have to gather kindling, just push a button and instant bomb fire. It’s hard on marshmallows though. Just splatters them everywhere.


You are right, that is a good technical review. :+1:

That was the only one I recall that clearly demonstrates that the efficiency goes up as you dim the lights.
That’s a point I’ve been emphasizing as to why it’s a good idea to go ‘oversize’ with LEDs.
Besides efficiency, everything runs cooler… win: win… :+1:.

{edit} full disclosure… I’m running DIY Bridgestone since 2020



sort of thought you would enjoy that one. :love_you_gesture:


Thanks for sharing that link @mainerJ , alot of useful information in there. Oh and good morning