Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

I think we got over an inch. :crossed_fingers: it filled up
Really needs to be dug out. Decades of silt have filled it in. It’s like 1/3 its former size


when i was a kid them dairy cow ponds on them corn fields they grew to feed the livestock, was the cats meow.

Polly wogs ,frogs, cray fish, turtles, fish all good kid fun and times. we use to try and ride the calves when we was hanging on the farm being bad boys. the cow moms would bust the bob wire fence trying to protect the babies. once they went thru the fence the farmer was full steam ahead on his best tractor with his double barrel loaded with rock salt if he was taking it easy on us as he cut us off at the pass trying to escape.
when he was pissed because we pushed him a bit hard he was live fire. we knew when the fence post splintered he was pissed.
a few of us kids had some salt and pellets to dig out. after that mom and pop switched us lol. the good ole days.

you would never know today looking at the farm fields of NY how vibrant and wild they use to be with large dairy farms every where… think cow crossing. :rofl:.

plus if kids did today what we did back then they would be in lock up forever. we lived and enjoyed some good times back then . such a blessing to have enjoyed growing up then… :pray:


My dad used to tell me stories of a neighbor who would shoot them with rock salt for going through his yard. It wasn’t even that rural of an area. Cockeysville, MD. It always sounded pretty brutal to me. Haha. He said they’d have to soak in a hot bath afterwards. Growing up in FL, they just use live rounds. Haha


Rock salt :salt: ain’t no joke I got hit in my back side a few times stealing apples :apple: from an orchard and don’t think for a minute that that shit :poop: don’t penetrate your jeans :jeans:! :joy::joy::joy:


good chuckle on that one. :rofl: :rofl: if you was a tuff kid you could deal with the rock salt, but you could not explain to mom what happened to your new jeans that dad just bought for you… :rofl:

ok i will go get another switch. :rofl: thanks for the memories.

time to go nod off and dream bout the good ole days. :love_you_gesture:


Good morning everyone. So happy I missed the rock salt experience :grin:
Have a dubbin day


morning think i will take it easy and get rested up for the work week. i think it is gonna be another hot week ahead.

thunder storms rolling thru this morning. i am very happy to be getting more rain today. soaking the pots real good after fixing them up yesterday is just right on time, and welcome by the plants…

enjoy your day.


I’m planning on doing all my neglected plant projects today. Transplanting clones fun times


thanks for reminding me . i need to get some cuts taken myself today.

Looks very healthy! Hope it finishes well for you.

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also @MoBilly @Emeraldgreen and @PatHealy couple of tips or steps that probably should have been added to the zucchini relish recipe.

if the zucchini are small with undeveloped seed you can just chop them up. if they are large zukes with developed seeds i scrape them out and just use the meat of the zuke.

when measuring out the 12 cups or 3 quarts [same measurement] i rough cut and dice up or cube the zukes to fill a measuring cup to the 4 cup mark { three times} then chop them up in the food chopper…

also no need to peel them either. just cut off ends, deal with seeds if need be then measure out and chop away and follow recipe.

if any other questions arise ask away.


Your garden is looking great and it’s awesome to see the old KC Brains going. I remember when the 33 came out, thinking it was his take on the white widow sort of. Using the Thai instead of the Indian with Brazilian. I’d totally be down for a kc33 reversal. Best of luck with it!


Awesome! Thanks mainerJ.

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appreciate that Mr. Budderton. thanks for that and will be counting the blessings for this one.

got some dubbin’ around work to do on this one for sure. :wink:


totally amazed the last seed from 1992 grew and was a girl.

when i tried looking it up today the results were weak. surprised you have the knowledge regarding this one.
if it works outs @Budderton i will send some of the beans your way.


Hey @mainerJ,

I just received the recipe today!!! Thanks a bunch!! I’ll get to making it within a month for sure.


what neck of the woods do you inhabit? or reside in? :green_heart:

i mailed yours right along with all the the other ones. sure took a bit to get your way?

appreciate you letting me know. :pray:

left a couple tips because it is an 1890’s recipe. hope you enjoy it.


I’m in the woods in FL on the east side of the St John’s. Town population of 700something people. Thinking we might break 1,000 next census with this new subdivision. Haha


bit of zuke relish show and tell.

chopped up zukes , onion, and pepper mix well add pickling salt and garlic.

cover with ice put in fridge to soak overnight in the salt and garlic brine.

makes sure to drain really well before you follow rest of steps for cooking. i let it sit in a strainer in the sink for an hour or two.

@MoBilly @Emeraldgreen @PatHealy


Well dang you making a solid few jars!