Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

usually last a year or till next season comes around with us also being able to share a couple few jars with family and friends. if you want will send the recipe to you.

@FirstCavApache64 i planned on taking a couple cuts of the trinity today. last nights storm ruffed up some of my plants.
ole mother nature assisted me with a broken branch on the trinity. picked it up and got three solid cuts put into the root riots :wink:
dubbed a bad into a good :laughing:


We had 6" of rain from that storm but the wind wasn’t too bad at least. Lot’s of flooding in town but we were safe at 1300’ above sea level here. I’m betting you’ll keep Trinity around for a few runs once you get to try the buds.


if anyone else wants to try the zucchini relish recipe hit me up with a pm.

it is from my great grandmother family circa bout 1890’s. dam good too!


@mainerJ what does it taste like? I’m curious lol


Does it compare to regular pickle relish for hot dogs?


it uses the zucchini instead of cucumbers as the base. most relishes of this type either sweet or sour nature mostly all use cucumbers today.

the zuke relish has way better character, body, and taste. most folks reaction when the try it for the first time is, “that is good you should sell it.”

this one is on the sweet side of things, but not overwhelming.

once you make it and see what ya got you can tweek it a bit more to your liking. bit less sugar a bit more cider vinegar if you like.

it just goes so well with dogs burgers tuna & salads anything that calls for relish.
you will enjoy this on.

how many days to pops bday?


I’d love to get the recipe and pass it along to my grandma if you don’t mind sharing it with me! His birthday is August 25th which is really ideal because my new job is Monday thru friday with the occasional Saturday so I definitely won’t miss it or have to schedule another day. Got in another piece of mail from @Igor this week and it’s had me say g’day mate all day lol! I’m loving all the help from OG and I can’t wait to see his excitement! He might get overwhelmed and try to look thru them later tho there is a lot already haha


absolutely yes sir! i will get recipe headed your way. :point_left:

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@HighTilliDie i was kindly reminded i forgot to mention deviled eggs and also a bit of mayo and lemon for tar-tar sauce. :yum:


Ahh now that sounds really good! Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far!


wa la or ta da.

remember to tighten the lids as the jars cool. and do the lid push/ pop test to insure seal.

hope you like this.


Looks tasty. I’m going to have to grab some more zucchini soon


@mainerJ I have a question for you.
Does your area have any cakes that are local specialty?

i dont get out much but they call this one, nitro wedding cake.

she looks timid from this side.

turn the light a bit and you can see the dragon horned presents.

took me couple days to recover from this cake.

lots of spirits / faces. use click zoom. lol.

guess i would have to say nitro wedding cake… :laughing:

what kind of cakes are you baking? :face_with_monocle:

it really kicks in a good way.


I’m cooking wedding cake Maine event seeds. Wanted a Maine specialty cake name. Nitro wedding cake sounds great


I got in that recipe yesterday thanks again @mainerJ I appreciate it! Wouldn’t you know we also just pulled our first zucchini yesterday as well so great timing!


Mr @mainerJ I got that recipe in my mail box the other day. I should have said something sooner but ADHD strikes again. Thank you for taking the time to share brother.


been doing my usual dub around stuff.

collecting some pollen for the xj-13 seed run.

big thanks to @DougDawson for the tips and tools to get it done.

took me a bit to find the pollen shaker but well worth finding this. the pollen ends up in the lower cap / cup ready for use or preservation…


been very busy with both work and the garden. i am blessed. :innocent:

then all of a sudden i turn around and look at my plants, rub my eyes and say what the hell kind of alien bug has come to my garden. i am cursed. :expressionless:

never a dull dubbin around moment when it comes to out door critters that like our plants.
guess i best get back after them and dub some more.

enjoy your grow!


Some nice clean pollen there, great job bud. :v:


Looking good dude, what kinda shaker did you find with the cup on the bottom? Pretty cool.


thank you for taking the time to show us how, and the kind words.
