Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far! Thanks for sharing that pollen shaker that’s ginna be a big save for me because all the ones I saw were handmade wooden boxes getting close to $100 and this is much cheaper and easily replaced. Gonna buy it right now actually lol so I appreciate that @mainerJ


morning to you and everyone.

nice cool & dry start to the day, hope everyone has a great day. :sunglasses:


Good morning @mainerJ . Hope you are kicking it long and high this morning!


Good morning @mainerJ @MoBilly @HighTilliDie
Beautiful day out there for us


been a bit rugged keeping up with the plants, since last dub update.

lot of things happen fast during outdoor flower.

the girls toes are getting a bit cold. makes them want nitrogen and extra mag / cal.
been feeding hard to keep them happy. starting to get mid to low forty temps at night. :frowning_face:

london fog also moving in thick. . hard to believe it is that time in the season this year already. it is too soon three weeks ahead of normal.

i have been pre treating & spraying with lost coast plant therapy. so far so good.

xj-13 ladies in waiting.

told myself no trees this year. dang it :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

i am gonna have to ask @THCeed if i can borrow his chain saw.

think maybe i used the tape measure improperly. :grinning:

@ix3u jack the ripper.

the romulian girl is a tall christmas tree.

trinity from @FirstCavApache64

i got to sharpen the saws and the clippers and trimmers

you know i got to get back to dubbin’ around. :pray:

the flowers are doing their thing…

yes sir

enjoy your grow. :seedling:.


Looking great out in the sunshine. Hopefully everything will finish up for you before the cold gets there.


planrs are looking good @mainerJ , they should be really stacking on some weight here soon. Gonna be some long hours in trim jail for you soon.:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Looking absolutely stellar!

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[quote=“FirstCavApache64, post:268, topic:146230”]
Looking great out in the sunshine[/quote]

there is something about this plant, not sure if it is the real green color or leaf shape, but i am drawn to this plant and love the way it looks. :face_with_monocle

some are a bit ahead of others and starting to get going, looking forward to a good bloom season :crossed_fingers:

thanks for the kind words, still got to get them across the finish line. and i never know what fall in maine will bring me for weather. i hope the weather stays decent this year for the finish. :sun_with_face:.

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Here’s hoping!


Everything is looking awesome :clap: :clap::clap:

It sounds like your weather is being wonky.
This season has really seemed odd to me all season. Sounds like it isn’t just me.

You’ll get them done and in, of this I have no doubt


i see the american kestrels in the farm fields just up the road from my place as they pass thru in the spring on their way north and then again in the fall as they head south.
saw the first one of fall today. tells me they are on the way south and thing be getting colder to the north.
the whole spring / summer and now early fall has been a solid 3 weeks early this year. and the temps have been back and forth crazy. highs only in low-mid seventies during the day and mid 40’s during the night for all of next week.
i usually see the kestrels for 3-4 weeks during the migrations. will let you know when they are gone, because after that fall is here.

def will get em done and in one way or another. one year had to lay them flat inside to finish because they are to tall to stand up. broke and bent others to get them in to finish.

you got to do what ya got to do sometimes. :laughing:

hope your season finish goes smooth too for you.


:crossed_fingers: made a mistake of no plastic mulch on the rows. Got septoria a good 3 weeks ahead of everyone else I know. No fun stripping leaves for weeks on end knowing it’s not getting ride of it
Beautiful picture also


sorry to hear that :unamused:

they are a pretty bird for sure. i am not positive but think they are the smallest bird of prey around here. they get the nickname “sparrow hawk” because of their size.


Letting this section of field go fallow next year I think. Definitely a pita.

I just heard your explanation of the sparrow hawk in Foghorn leghorn voice :rofl::rofl:


happy friday everyone!

hope everyone has a great labor’s day weekend & holiday. :sunglasses:


still been dubbin around. :stuck_out_tongue: :grinning: :sunglasses: :wink:

this is for @LoveDaAutos

he gifted me his cap junky in hopes to see what an outdoor grower can do with this one.

got it late into this years grow season. late june planting barely made veg in by 4th of july. it is my fourth of july grow this year. only one topping as he told me she loves to be topped.wish i had this one earlier but just kicking ass so far.

the one topping.

really caught up to the other plants since i gave it extra love.

gonna stack nice :wink: it is good to grow outdoor for sure. :pray:

when ever you venture into the garden stay hydrated.

and be sure to have your secret garden sauce on hand…

@ix3u this jack the ripper is a french lady of the night. she smells so smells ooh-la la la. super sweet stinky if i bump her i think i am in love. :heart_eyes: cant wait.

really starting to stack.

trinity in the front and white cut head cheeses rising up in the back ground

some random shots

the auto injection reversal plants doing fine too.


I suspect you will be most pleased with the yield and quality from that CJ plant. She’s looking stellar.


dub update.

been trying to keep the hangry girls happy. :crazy_face:

i have been lugging lots of water and food for them hungry thirsty girls. :grimacing:

the falcon /small hawk almost smashed this small bird with us watching, into our window.

sure took it a bit to come around but after dubbing around here for a bit in the garden it made its way to another day.

enjoy your grow. :seedling:


Nice pictures bro :sunglasses:, great looking :eyes: grow! Hell Yeah! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::crazy_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol: