Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

server not loading properly at the moment :unamused:
hope every one has a great week

.keep dubbin’ along. and enjoy your grow. :seedling:


It loaded fine as far as I could see


it only loaded some of my reply for what ever reason? and i was to tired to re-edit / re type it. maybe get to it later tonight.


another dub update.

we call this one “whitey”.

the mom was almost pure white albino. brought her kids here for years, before she left the residence.

i have been here going on 30 yrs and know these are her grand kids. they are absolutely the big whitey mom Descendants!

Mr Tom is not a fan. :crazy_face: but i finally got him to stop defending his turf because i let him know and understand he has a safe haven with us, inside away from whitey’s kin. .

he hated the stink baths as much as we did. we all be getting along this fall. :laughing:

this is his maybe his happy look for whiteys family. :face_vomiting:

i have wanted to get some pics of the jack the ripper, thanks to @ix3u . these buds are massive and dense. i am happy to have dry sunny days for them. not the usuall for my neck of the woods.

so big and frosty check the click zoom.

this one is for @Enjoi802 your purple moonshine has a wonderful bud to stem formation. there are buds and branches everywhere. :wink: i am digging your creation.

you would never have known this girl took a three way split with me spot tying her back together, after an early summer storm.

the romulan christmas tree is kicking my ass it is a thirsty hungry hangry girl i cannot seem to give it enough food, water, cal mag , bloom,and or micros kelp any thing i give her she devours my meager offerings. she needs bigger than 30 gal pot for sure.

the cap junky is loving life @LoveDaAutos

if thing goes as planned will be injecting the autos for the test on easier reversal this weekend.

Mr Tom says ther3will be a dub update soon.

enjoy your grow. :seedling:


Looking awesiome there as usual @mainerJ , that romulan looks like a real beast for sure. Should be some fine smoke from her


i am hoping so, can’t say i have ever sampled the romulan. looking forward to trying it out.

she is about to run me out feed and i still have a ways to go for her to be done. she is sending me back to the feed store. :laughing: have about half the garden that hopefully will finish in october.

for what ever reason the plants have been extra hungry this year? not sure if it was from the early cold spell we had and then back into the 80’s for 2 1/2 going on 3 weeks now.
but i have had a work out trying to keep up with them and have been feeding / treating way more than normal this season.

hope everyone has a good day!



Fingers crossed for the Romulan :crossed_fingers:
I’ve occasionally found the ‘grumpy’ ones produce the best flower.



that is good to know. she still has ways to go thinking 3-4 more weeks. :thinking: