Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

Damn the strawberries really drew everyone in!!


@mainerJ. Upstate and kidete are planning another trip now go check it out. This time they are going for black magic. Planned for August. Upstate said anyone who paid for the first trip to help can get first dibs and he will update us with details next Saturday


Ooooh. are you growing some?


i cannot my electric is to costly, to make her shine. then when i do it out door it will not finish. gonna keep a couple 7 gal and lug them in :rofl:

keep on dubbin’ around . cow peeing on a flat rock pouring down at this time.

i hear the thunder and rain it be happening.

i hope and pray for the people the storms hit.


I hope a piece of that storm makes its way down the coast. We’re getting crispy out here.


lots of folks from not around here movin into the neighborhood. things are a changing.

had to work on a bit of privesy fence. and i mean privesy!

still got to get the side piece on but progress for sure. while tending the garden.


in a 30 gal pot

when i am out in the garden and snap photos i think i know what they are. try and post the i am all brain fart. :rofl:

any way hear are a few shots.

the volunteers doing their own thing.

some of the xj-13 plants

romulan on lower right side from jinglepot and early 1990’s kc-33 from kc brains upper left.

after i put up the privescy fence i thought i was all done for the day. my boss the misses says no way…

she has had it with me giving my yard critters all the good grapes i grow and demands her stake of grapes.

so i gathered and tied up the grape vine that i let go wild for the critters and wow no wonder they like it grapes are every where they are red seedless. behind the pic of last plants


long time from @JohnnyPotseed

irish punch from romulan genetics.

jack the ripper bu @ix3u

then some garden shots

checking out rest well everyone


Looking great @mainerJ! Like tweety says I thought I saw a putty tat! Lol pretty kitty tho! Can’t get enough of that garden it’s gorgeous! I’m about to cut the majority of my garden down it blooms early 1x then just green leaves for the rest of the year so I chop it away and try to plant veggies after


unsettled thunder storm every other day. got a bit of re potting done. kc brains haze special. and widow maker auto. free be from linda seeds Party Monster fem. the hubba bubba smella scope trucking on. couple of purple moon shine from @Enjoi802. :pray:

jack the ripper lookin like 3 girls one boy.

irish punch looking girl.

storms and the train keeps rolling. the boss is after me to check the generator gas. :skull_and_crossbones: :poop: :flushed:

dam it got to go dub around. :nerd_face:


wanted to thank @Dirt_Wizard for this one using this right now.



Feb '23

I switched from Ful-Power to Mr Fulvic, which is AGT-50 from Agtonik in Kalamazoo MI but packed for retail instead of commercial sale.

Future4200 – 22 Jun 20

AGT-50 Fulvic Mineral Complex (Discount for Future4200 members!)

AgTonik rigorously tests every batch of product we manufacture. We use LAMAR (AOAC v. 97), but realize competitors still use outdated V&B methodology. Our last batch came in at 4.5% LAMAR/ISO testing, 10% fulvic acid V&B. Compare that to…

for some reason cant get a space but space here

and this one has made the kelp program explode! no bags to lug or pay for kelp has got pricey.

nor do you have to wait for it to break down. it is ready available .strong text

using both for this grow and chasing it with recharge. and some awesome sauce top dressings. :sunglasses:


You making your own brew ?


no brew needed add to water and get the grow going. :wink:.

helps the roots and powers them up.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


so far so good! nice sunny lower humidity day. after the recent rains and heat everything has big growth spurt. very noticeable in just a couple of days. our season over here is 2 1/2 -3 weeks ahead of normal. some of the garden flowers are passing way to soon. :unamused:


i saw you over on the

have you done any injections yet? got a couple auto gonna try this on, and see what happens :thinking:


Uughh! You all are killing me with these strawberries. The strawberries I get at the store bleed all the red dye out when I do a vinager soak to break down the yucks on outside. The jam oh the jam I grew up on homemade strawberry from u-pick strawberries. Peanut butter and jam have always been a favorite of mine. We tried growing strawberries this year and just as they started fruiting the heat hit and cooked our plants.


Nope I haven’t tried it out yet, but I am starting to gather supplies. I found a solid source for silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate. I’ll grab some syringes from the farm supply store. But my current play around is I’m starting to play a bit with coco for fun.


just Dubbin’ Around update. been in the dirt for a bit.

thinking about crossing some of that red and blue freak flowers to the buds. face_with_monocle: :bomb: :joy:

Enjoy Your Grow.


I’m keeping an eye on that Long time. I grabbed a pack from JP as well. Guitarzan has some awesome crosses.


yes sir! keeping my eye on them too. hard to tell not really showing yet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

put them in 7 gal fabric pots. if they dont finish outdoor? hopefully i can rip them up and lug them in and love them, " Long Time " :smile:

could not pass that one up! :100: :fire: :fire:


Very nice flowers, love your photos. So healthy