Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

ya told me to get it your way when i was done dubbin’ around.

wanting to keeping on top of thing for the good folks here.


Yes!! Thank you


Thank you @mainerJ ! Most awesome of you. :slight_smile:


morning everyone! hope you all have a great weekend.

@Emeraldgreen @MoBilly @PatHealy @Smooth got the recipe in the mail yesterday for you. :wink:

@djtrip and @santero just returned from the post office your mail is on the way :green_heart:.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Thanks Buddy.

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Thank you :pray:. Getting ready


Sweet!! I’ll have to get some zucchini. Thanks again!!

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Most excellent :+1:t3::+1:t3:
Thanks much!

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@Emeraldgreen did you swing by @MoBilly’s church and come out to find that your car was full of zucchini that someone dropped off? just kidding.

for those making the relish, don’t do what i did when i first started making this. i was like i don’t really need that overnight soak thing do i? made a couple of batches with out the overnight soak and the results were sub standard.

the overnight soak is very important to obtaining proper results.

it is great on dogs, burgers, tuna, deviled eggs , sandwiches, and what ever you like. i think you will enjoy this one!


I think he put them inside himself!
Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart:


it is great to count on friends. :green_heart:


It sure is!!


just saying ,

got a lot of gardening done this weekend photos with update once i get done dubbin around folks.

man o man! have not had much of a chance to do any dubbin around lately. :anguished:

i have been busier that a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. don’t tell anyone this but i am in this to win this. got to stay a leg up. :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

with out further a due, time for the dub update.

as much as it pains me to say this, the monarch butterfly southerly migration has begun. it is almost 3-4 weeks ahead of normal / usual time of year that they visit us. the moms have already laid eggs with the baby caterpillars devouring the milk weeds. we are so blessed to enjoy watching them grow pupate / cocoon & chrysalis and then emerge to dry their wings and head

wont be long before this big guy does this

we get a solid 2-3 weeks of hatching monarch butterflies. sometimes longer and always have some late stranglers that hatch and we nurse along till they can fly off late in the season in hopes they make it.

the xj-13’s are doing great for the seed run have a good mix of males to females.

couple of trinity cuts courtesy of @FirstCavApache64

nice un topped romulan in 30 gal pot courtesy of @jinglepot

couple of longtime courtesy of @Guitarzan and @JohnnyPotseed . shorter one a right is girl taller left is boy. will collect pollen and cull boy. and dust a branch or two on the girl.

jack the ripper courtesy of @ix3u hard to tell in this photo but there are 2 plants in this 30 gal. if i was gonna breed this i would def use the stud on the left he towers over the girl and has been very vigorous. l might chop a couple branches to see i he will drop a bit of pollen when i cull him. :unamused:

just for the reference the white fence on left is 8 foot tall, but i can’t remember if i was using @THCeed tape measure, maybe it could be taller? :grinning:love the OG family.

starting to run out of sun light courtesy of @GCBudz cj91

it is an alive monster.!! thanks for the vets consideration.

couple shots of autos getting done. gonna plant second auto grow for fall this weekend.

@Pigeonman here are the volunteers. i think this is a tough girl. she smells sweet. the second pot is a mix . got to keep your eye on the boys.


these are from the fund raiser. i thank you for the hbbsc

i dig mother nature. :love_you_gesture:

check out your hubba bubba in maine…


I love all your updates @mainerJ! Can’t get enough of the scenery, animals, and the beautiful ladies! It’s all looking great on your little slice of nature


Sweet post Brother. Thanks.


it is my pleasure to share here with the great OG family.

i am glad you both enjoy my post :pray: feels good to be able to chat with friends…


Now that is a dubbin around report!!! Love the ragweed monarch caterpillars shots


thank you. it is hard work when i finally do a dubbin around update, but so enjoyed by all. :green_heart:

such good people here. :100:

wishing everyone a great dubbin. weekend.