Durban Poison crosses that enhance growing features


I have Durban Poison in my bucket list of strains I want to grow and smoke. Last night I was reading JOTI’s description of their God’s Poison (Durban Poison x God Bud). They say the cross reduces growing time and makes it more beginner friendly to grow.

My question is, does this kind of breeding strategy (to improve growing traits) produce a smoke that is mostly the same as the original?

I realize I should also ask JOTI, but would still like to hear & learn from OG members.



Same no. Similar yes.

One of my unicorns is a DP crossed with either a skunk or an afghani (I can’t remember) but it was my going to work weed for a long time.


This is a lot of question to answer. :sweat_smile:

Yes, hybridizing mixes things.

Yes, a fast-flowering paired to a long-flowering will yield a middle-length, with some leaning either direction.

No, because the originals are different. Or, yes, because the smoke on both was identical. :joy:

I put an indica/fast-flowering male onto a durban poison female & got a blending of both parents. The only thing that was unlike the short father was the offspring were all huuuuge like the mom.
The buds were more like the durban/sativa, but 200% larger & with the cherry mom resin & keeping the weird anise durban p. The high was like both & neither one. :man_shrugging:



Look around the fourm I’m sure you can find my strain “Posion Daddy” it’s ( Kosher Daddy X Durban Poison )… some photos from @Pigeonman who grew this recently… he can also let ya know what the smoke/Effects are like.

From what I can tell, Durban Poison made a pretty good blend of the two strains & overall improved the flavor, reduced the height & it finished a few weeks quicker over Kosher Daddy.


I like the way that one came out. Nice job.


Thanks for the replies. I see that its not that straight forward. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sharing about your own crosses makes me think I should ditch the list of specific strains and get involved here enjoying trades, giveaways and community.



I’ll say!!! What a beauty man! Congrats to you and @Pigeonman both on that!
:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:



Durban bagseed s2? Hell, I don’t know, it came from the bud I grew last year, that pla t came from bagseed. Looks Durban to me, but then again, wtf do I know?

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