Eagles' Nest

I’m not worried about that :wink:. I am happy that you’re excited to pop some of these beans though :grin:. Cool to share that with someone because I’m still kinda in awe that I’m even growing this plant let alone some unique stuff I “made” in the “lab.”


Yeah mine said no when I asked=( I told her but my buddy did it. Didn’t work but got the AC unit from her so its a tie :wink: .


Bro mine is so happy I did it now. I was able to hook the carbon filter back up. Smell gone (wasn’t a big issue but nice to not have it). Bathroom no longer hot as hell all the time lol. No bright light shining out of the open tent. I resisted the urge to tell her I told you so. Tent ran 81 today with 90 degrees outside. Good bye foxtails…hopefully :joy:


Okay I’m saving this to rebuttle next grow for drilling lol. Even with this unit in i have been re arranging for air flow 10 times a day lol


One of my pe x gb is sick. Discoloration on leaves. Leaves getting wrinkled and crunchy beginning at the bottom and working up. Already removed the worst effected at the bottom.

I have no clue. So I potted up because that seemed like a sensible thing to do. Thoughts?

I know somebody has space for some SW OG x GB.


Dang man. I got nothing.
I wish I could help because I can see shades of what’s going on with yours, in a couple of mine.
I’m watching close to see how this turns out.


I’m not sweating it, but I am curious. The other two look good. This one is growing great despite it’s attitude. She will probably shrug it off.


I’m sure you’re right.
My two plants have lower leaves that started looking wavy. They feel dry to the touch as well.
Other than that discoloration they look near the same.


Sure someone will come along with an idea or two.


Ohhhh no, i am curious now as well!


I’m sure Eagles has it right. It’s not a thing but we all want our girls to be happy happy happy.


Looks like a P deficiency starting, that causes grey spots on the leaves when it starts, other than that it could be a lockout.


I would lean toward a lockout of those choices. This bag of soil had been noticeably hotter than the 24 others I’ve used of the exact same stuff. I’ve finally come to that conclusion as the bag is empty :yum:. First I accused the pinkleberry of being overly sensitive :joy:. Then my 4 fems got angry when I fed them on schedule. So yeah musta been a hot batch. Lockout would be weird because I never alter ph, but I guess it’s possible.

Thanks for the ideas!


Nute burn would be my next assumption, I dont normally see the speckling with a P deficiency, normally it starts at the leaf tips and works its way back along the edges going grey and drying out the leaf until its crispy.

Yours seems to be more between the veins and sparodic, but they grey colour is usually a giveaway for P problems.


Great detail on the response. Much appreciated. I book marked this one for future reference.

Nute burn lines up with what I’m seeing and think I know. Very likely “she” just powers through as planned.


Some lights out shots of the blurple box. Pretty happy with everybody in here! All the godberry crosses showing nice early branching.

The beast (banner) finally showing signs of progression here. Water intake slowing, maybe 30% brown pistils. Buds are already big and surely have a good bit of fattening to go. Bud rot going a concern for me here. Hopefully cultivar proves resistant.

Banner, critical bilbo, black widow, gelato. Gelato STINKS. Heavy defol in the next couple days for these ladies.

Edit: pinkleberry this morning.


Beautiful and so gorgeous, amazingly amazing!!! From that one convo i would find it funny to have a house and hallways filled as a jungle lol


Thank you my friend.

Dude my childhood house was probably as close as you will ever find. Plants in every room. Lots of them. Everywhere. No front lawn. Just a giant garden. This was a decent sized property too. About an acre. So like .25-.5 acre garden outside the front door. No pot plants though :rofl:


I just imagined you running around watering as a kid! About spit my coffee out.

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Lol, the horror was taking cuttings from people’s yards without their permission while out walking the dogs. More than a couple times people would walk out like wtf are you doing in my yard. She’s like "hello! It’s okay it won’t hurt them! I’m like “kill me now”