Eagles' Nest

I could see myself as a kid right there with you. I used to go cooler diving at big races around the country, my friends raced i smoked and drank :wink: At night 5 of us would go out and check out what states had what beer and energy drinks lol. We were not mean only 1 or 2 cans out of thousands of coolers.

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Really impressed with this critical bilbo. Vegged in the box. Too tight. No room to branch out. She managed. Nice open plant. Yeah the canopy sucksā€¦but, considering how I grew it and that the only time I touched it was to fim it, very pleased. As compared to these two which were topped because I was less happy with their development at haircut time.


Did you notice the SW OG looking like a pepper plant once it started? Mine does. Iā€™m sure I had my light to close and stunted it but recovered and it is huge bushy and short. Lots of stems and growth. Just squatty in veg.

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Had to go look in an old journal. Mine stretched as a seedling because I was scared of light burn with new seedling light at timeā€¦or first time using it on seedlings anyway.

Day 2

Day 12
c227b3972f248c2ffefbc074b0ca0a79361a3134_2_666x500 345701aab43a3cc802ca3b7b827941732f99b6c9_2_666x500
Day 15


What mine looks like 5 weeks of veg.


You could back light off a touch (or dim) if you want her to climb at bit. If you check out the pinkleberry f6 topic. Those little fkers were so squat early on which would not work for the tent they have to live in. I dimmed light to min. Put it at roof of tent. Look at my sticks now lol.


I backed it off a bit unfortunately the Black Widow I have growing is overgrowing Iā€™m going to have to flip no matter what Iā€™m just hoping that the height the light is at theyā€™ll actually start stretching when I flip to flower. Everybody poo poos the light Iā€™m using which is an hlg 100 3K version 2. True test will be at flower. Canā€™t afford one of them fancy r spec lights or the such lol.


Overgrowing as in getting too tall? Supercropping could help you there. Iā€™ve seen a journal on another site where a guy flowers with two hlg 100s in a 2x4 I think it is. 2x2 each. He grows nice buds.

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I topped it a bunch and bent it down with LST. I canā€™t let SW OG go too much longer because if the BW doubles in size my tent height will be maxed outā€¦unless I remove the Carbon filter and hook it up outside the tent. Iā€™m already thinking of re working my RDWC next go round so the reservoir is outside the tent. May need to do same with CF. I donā€™t know. First grow worries. Itā€™ll be okay. Just smoke another one lol.


Iā€™m running ILGMā€™s genetics by the wayā€¦for good or bad lol.

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I hear you, it gets better. Iā€™m still working things out. But itā€™s tweaks now. My first grow was a hot mess.

Could be you did nothing wrong and the skywalker is just a dudā€¦half runtā€¦freak whatever you want to call it. Just flip and roll with it. Hope the smoke beats the veg growth. Had that happen before with a gelato.

I have two plants from same seed batch going now. Roughly same age. Shit happens :rofl:

Iā€™ve seen some negative talk around here about ilgm genetics recently. Iā€™ve seen a lot of their plants grown out. Lots of great looking plants. I have grown or am growing the sw og, the bruce banner, and the black widow. My sw og is harvested. Shitā€™s fire. Smells like lime candy to me. My wife says lemon zest and something she canā€™t put her finger on. Indica leaning, happy active mental, potent. The banner has been a beast all along. Slow flowerer. Frosty. Stinks. Sour scent with a helping of dank. I know sheā€™s gonna be nice. The black widow was a runt. Looks weird. Grew weird. Halfway through flower started developing a killer scent. Donā€™t know how to describe it. Funky foreboding kinda stink lol. We shall see.


Iā€™ve had SW OG and it was great. I have the opposite issue. Iā€™ll throw up new pics tonight in my for thread


I have no problem planting IGLM seeds. Iā€™ve run 3 of their autos under less than ideal conditions and so far the plants have all been very tough/resilient/predictable.

There are a lot of cannabis snobs, just like car snobs, beer snobs, etc.

IDGAF as long as people are having fun growing weed itā€™s all gravy from there.


@Oheeeoh !!!

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Yeah I have only smoked one ilgm plant so Iā€™ll hold judgment. BUT Iā€™ve been smoking a long ass time. This sw og is good weed. My wife had some of our other weed on her tray. I gave her some of the sw og to smell, like ā€œhey this is our new oneā€. She hands it back. Then goes ā€œwait, give me that shit back.ā€ Steals a pinch for the bowl. Sheā€™s been smoking a long ass time too :wink:


Thats LOVE!

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Two of the three pineapple express x God berry. 24,25 days old. The third is healthy but less mature. I was gonna cull it but stem rub is straight lemon, doesnā€™t fit either parent, cool, it lives. These two are oozing sweet, bleh, but on the plus side its very strong. Both showing sex. Pretty sure the bushier one is fem at 30x. Canā€™t tell at all on the other. They go in flower tent tomorrow :grin:. Very happy with these plants. They have tolerated the hot batch of soil better than most. Branching is great. I am not going to top or fim here. Betting that I end up with nicely shaped plants au natural. Pe was a pretty bright green plant. Godberry was dark rainbow. Interested to see how these play out. Judging by smell and thinner leaves Iā€™m guessing the pe dominates.


Banner- seems odd - revegging? Doesnā€™t make sense that it would. Just harvested the skywalker without issue. The 4 fems entered flowered without issue. The pinkleberry tent is on same timer and they are in early flower without issueā€¦


The Banner dose look that way donā€™t it? Itā€™s been a while since I did a reveg but it dose look like it. Very odd indeed.
Out of likes

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It does and then it doesnā€™t. Iā€™m not quite sure. Ive had enough problem plants I might just cut my losses and give it the axe. I rolled the timer through the dark cycle and it didnā€™t pop on the light when it shouldnā€™t. Maybe she just wants longer than 12 dark?

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So pretty and amazing looking ! PS Awesome PJs or pants!

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