Psilocybe mushroom growing

I haven’t taken shrooms in over 22 years. Wouldn’t even know where to buy them anymore so I was considering growing some. I’m curious about the pros and cons along with which reputable places you suggest buying a kit from. Is it safe to have a kit shipped to the US? I would just like to try it again. I would prefer something as easy as possible and I’m not concerned about yield so long as I get enough for me and the wife.


I got my all in one bags from they are based in the US. As far as spores I can’t remember where I got mine from when I did it but several guys on here grow them and I’m sure will chime in soon.


I used to use sporeworks but I haven’t bought a syringe or print in years


This was a few days ago but I now have 3qts ready to go whenever I get to them lol


So you you bought the bag and then the spores separately? Is that usually how it’s done?


No need to buy it internationally. Spores and the kits are legal in most states, fruiting them isnt unless for science purposes of course.


Yes, to stay in the loophole. Selling them separately they can claim science.

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Why is that? Can you reproduce them on your own? I’m looking for a safe and easy way for a beginner to grow some shrooms. Is it easy enough?


You can keep getting fresh spores off new shrooms you make. Just have to be sterile, so you dont contaminate it.
Also spores can last for at least a few years(if not much longer) if kept right
Sorry, i missed the quotes to your questions


Yeah I bought separately. The all in one bag is cool it has the rye , hay , manure all in one per sterilized bag for about 20 bucks. And spores are usually 10-20 bucks.
So for a small investment you can give it a try.


Not sure what it’s like out there today but wehn i was in highschool back in 2001 (USA) i used to order from a place called PF via snailmail.

Cubensis are easy to grow high end. dont even get energy from light.

came in syringes and were not expensive at all… pretty sure you can still get them like that…very easy application.

then you just grow them on some brown rice ground up mixed with vermiculite (or whatever the current trends are).


I usually get spores from


how hard are these to grow in general ?

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They are pretty easy to grow. Avoiding contamination is the biggest issue.


Ah the PF Tek! Props! I still have a copy of the tek in mint condition :smile:


Very easy.

The main thing is to be sterile in the beginning. Once the mycelium has taken over the substrate, it can defend itself and therefore is not so prone against other organisms / disease / etc.

I grew them for 4 years in the past.

Now I am sitting on a Pan Cyan print, but getting cow shit is hard. I mean, I don’t want to go to a farm and ask for a bag of cow shit, that shit would be suspicious - why would anyone need fresh cow shit? :smiley:

I wish I could order fresh cow shit from somewhere.

I have a big pressure cooker only bought to farm shrooms (bought like 10 years ago). You can farm shrooms without one, but contamination rates will be very high - when I started growing the first time on corn, I got about 70% of my jars contaminated. With PC you can expect almost 0% contamination (maybe a realistic expectation is 10%), and also you can use more nutritious substrates (such as rye), that are not doable without a PC. Of course the potency will be about the same no matter corn or rye, but on rye (and other more nutritious substrates) you get more yield.


I grew at least 3 or 4 times using nothing but a half inch of water in a pot with a lid… no pressure cooker- never had one contaminated jar. my friends tried to copy and all had massive contams. but it definitely is a safer way.

You just have to be VERY careful with everything… wear a dust mask, gloves, etc.if you arent using a PC.

It is all about the process though, once the myc. inhabits the substrate, you’re pretty much there… You can even let them grow inside the jars with decent yeilds high potency… i did this in my bedroom with 2 parents and was never detected.

If you can grow weed, this will be easy, imho. Takes about 1 month to fresh can basically tuck them in a dark area and give them a light signal once a day (at the right stage) they grow themselves.


Man oh man… I remember B+ and PF from those dudes in Seattle (pretty sure it was PF themselves…but it might have jjust been a random mail dispensary, cant remember).

Used to do all my research on

That’s awesome you still have some… they were some insane potent cubensis weren’t they. Too old for that now, lol.


I’ve been running the same B+ spores for years… I have 2qt I need to break out and fruit


Just tell them you are making compost and just experimenting so you dont have to buy expensive bagged soil.

Living in Maine, poop of all kinds of animals are all over the place. Cow, horse, sheep and chicken.