Eagles' Nest

Was looking through some photos. Damn, three weeks later. Grow baby grow!


I want to try Coco sometime! I might just got for it my first REG grow idk yet lol.

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Most people say it’s far superior to soil…but I dunno man. Check that shit above lol. Can I really get significantly better growth than that in 3 weeks? :thinking:

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Im thinking Soil and Jacks like i should have my current grow but a fun and entertaining experiment right.
Looking great bro!


I’m all for experimenting. I only love my dirt so much because of how bad my coco attempts went lol. DWC didn’t go any better :rofl:

And thanks my friend. Almost can’t wait to see how these turn out. The lemon sister is gonna be dank.


I don’t think it is superior to soil. I’m growing in both at the moment. But the growth rate is superior. They grow way faster. Its more like hydro. My 2 cents.
I guess I should add, if you get it right. lol


What other factors are you considering? Wouldn’t way faster growth qualify as superior?


I can get great results in soil and it is more forgiving. Also I don’t have to water and feed as regular. Others will argue quality and taste. I love the faster growth I get in coco though.


Thanks! This is pretty much what I debate in my head. I love that I just watered in a transplant and won’t have to touch it for 2 weeks. But faster growth would be nice too.

The taste thing has me intrigued. Only reason I may try organic, living soil type grow. But that would have to be a clone comparison type deal, or something I’m intimately familiar with.


Thanks for this info, @Eagles009 thanks for getting the Coco brought up.
Hope everyone has a great morning , afternoon or night and Happy Memorial Day =!


I buy 3.8 compressed bags of pro mix, last year cost was $25 a bag not sure exactly what it figures out to for a 5 gal bag , but it comes out kinda inexpensive. this year its been 28-31 a bag, but havent bought my supply yet, do that on my trip to mich.


Thanks for the info. If I had a grow store near me that would open some things up. Shipping for medium is kinda absurd. Another reason I was so happy to find something in a big box store that would work. Luckily enough it was the first thing I tried.

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yeah I buy it from a major outlet when we visit michigan, when covid first started i had to ship a small amount and totally agree with you shipping was more then the product. Another problem for me is we are so rural.


Exhaust renovations complete (might not be pretty but it’s airtight :rofl:). Haircut for the budding godberry x pineapple express sisters. The gelato smells similar to my first grow, critical bilbo is completely different. Black widow actually smells pretty damn decent. I might have to quit being so harsh til this one finishes or does something obnoxious.


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:looking might fine my buddy!:star_struck::star_struck:


Thank you my friend!

These flowering fems are younger than I thought. Probably ~halfway done, been flowering 4, 5 weeks. Week 1,2 on the younger ones. Lemon sister still stretching out…doesn’t look like she plans on doing much in that dept. Though. We’re calling this gb x pe, Kāne-Lono. Due to both having Hawaiian lineage according to my research and yeah, the whole god thing but a little more subtle. Anywhooo, here’s today’s photos.


I’m going to have to buy a thesaurus to come up with more words that mean AWESOME!


Thank you my friend! I’m stressing the shit out the black widow watching for nanners. Other than that I’m pretty pleased with things! I seriously might just fkn kill it for peace of mind, lol. I keep saying it…


Man look at those. Jack and the bean stock story time. =) Awesome job bro!

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Tyty, this gelato gonna be a pretty girl. Lots of purpling going on already.

The medium stretch Kāne-Lono,

And critical bilbo just because I was waiting between pours while watering.