Eagles' Nest

That’s awesome man, glad to hear. I got 99 of those in total but I am guessing I could have
Stretched it to 100, I took 9 if them for myself :slight_smile: The other 91 or heading for others. Man that was a ton of pollen. I can only imagine what I could have gotten if I did something to collect what is all over the tent floor instead of just letting it fall, lol.


Man you killed it! Not only are you doing the preservation with a rare strain, there will be crosses galore to play with. I’m gonna dust a lower branch of everything I flower until I run out or it loses viability.


Should be, I did 2 hours and that worked perfectly for me.



Day 4 since seeds hit water. Day one above ground.
Eutierria 1

Eutierria 2

Eutierria 3

God’s Mac 1both of these popped with purpleish cotes, should be a pretty strain.

God’s Mac 2

Ppc 1 this one doesn’t look so hot but we see if it makes it.

Blue Lights 1

Blue lights 2. Not sure this one is cannabis :yum::rofl:


Dang man! When do you find time to scratch yourself?! You are one busy man!


Lol, they grow themselves :wink:. If I didn’t spend time taking pictures and playing around with them they’d need like 5 minutes a week from me. I am on a mission though! Only the dank will survive. I’m gonna start judging these things real hard and cull anything less than spectacular. Check out these roots

At what point am I just growing dwc…




I love it! Amazing, you give me so many ideas and inspirations my brother!
I love waking up to updates with your growing adventures. I want to try this


Thank you sir, the Folgers can thing? Use the search bar for “bubble cloner” Floyd made a good thread on it with better ideas. The idea works great but I’m gonna make a less ghetto one that’s permanent.


The twang x motor breath that I thought was female is female. I was looking on the main stalk but she showed up on the nodes of the two “tops”…she was topped.

Into flower tent she goes. :grin:. Love this part!

The ppc are giving me all sorts of trouble. Checked on one today it was half stuck in the shell, coiled up, not driving the tail at all. Did some surgery and planted it tail down in a small deep hole. Watered the dirt to cement it in. Should live.

Put a different light in the seedling clone box. I’m getting weird lux readings on a phone app that is telling me this is a good distance. I’m skeptical and expecting stretch. I’ll monitor. Switching because this will burn less watts than the blurple with the fan.


Love the “improvised grow room!” Congrats!!! :crazy_face:


Thank you sir.

It’s funny I bought a little 2x2x4 to put in that spot months ago. Wife pitched a fit about how it was only supposed to be the closet bla bla bla. So I returned it. Now I put a cardboard box of similar dimension in the same spot and not a word. I’m about to buy the tent again and see what she says.


I’d literally do that too, but be prepared!! :zipper_mouth_face:


I’ll take it off your hands if she says no! :wink:


Day 2, everything looking up!

Eutierria 1

Eutierria 2

Eutierria 3

GM 1

GM 2

GM 3

BL 1

BL 2

Ppc 1

Ppc 2 stood up throughout the day, feeling good about her chances.

Ppc 3 helmet knocked off right before this picture

Successful sprout on 3/3 Eutierria, 3/3 GM, 2/2 BL, 3/6 ppc


Busy Busy Busy you are! Looking good man. :slight_smile:


looking great! :100: :v:


Topped and or fimmed the twang x Jackie o today. I’m wondering if they stall or explode regardless. I’ll probably blink soon and pot up.

If yall recall I did some babbling about a hot batch of soil recently. Couple bags later I’m thinking they changed the damn formula. No way these plants should still be happy in that little bit of dirt. I’m just gonna roll with it. Some youngins are showing minor discomfort but chugging along. Don’t have to feed til later. Works for me I guess.


Dang, im going to have have to get some of that for next Happy Grow. Thanks for reminding me about the pouches, they were on back order and never came lol.

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No problem my friend the pouches are great, you talking about the dirt for next grow?

I do have some inclination to try different soil as this is all I have ever used. But, I don’t much care for messing with a good thing and I’m pretty sure I “overwater” my plants, significantly so, and something about this dirt lets me get away with it. I see people talk about overwatering in other threads fairly frequently. I dunno, that’s not a thing in my tent. Look at pictures of my young plants. If you find one with dry looking dirt I’ll be shocked. They are saturated every 3 days or so, then in the big pots once a week gets the job done. In flower I do back off, mostly for humidity concerns.

Oh yeah, and I also get away with using this pH tap, for a month plus with no alterations, without issues. Only a month because when I start feeding the pH is lower.
