Eagles' Nest

Shoot me a pm brother! Will be on the way post-haste.

That limey goodness of the Skywalker aged very nice. I put some in my pax, holy shit!



statement got my wife’s attention. She loves the stuff. I like lime but a strain that tasted like REAL lemon, I would jump on. :slight_smile:
Could you imagine, a hit of that and a shot of Tequila!

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Lol, the lime is so on point for real lime, with like a hint of sugar…BUT the wife says lemon so you might find something you like in there.


I had to run some of my Bruce banner x Godberry alongside these other beans. They were dropped like 72 hours ago.

And some root porn. Finally getting some veg growth started on these things.

May 31, big 4 twang x Jackie O, little 3 pinkleberry.




Aw, they made it to the one week mark. Slight toxicity on a few. Minor stretch. No problem.


Blue Lights

God’s Mac

:purple_circle: Poison :cookie:s


Where do you cram all this man? You have so much going on!


5x6ft. Walk in closet and 2x1.5x3ft cardboard box :wink:


Hey man, is this bamboo sprawling? if it is, that’s a lot of work…
The palm tree in the background looks familiar to me, you know what they call it?
Your place is beautiful, I miss the summer sun, in my latitude there are 10 hours of light… The nights are endless…
Success for you friend…


I am not sure what you mean by sprawling. I call it a palm tree :rofl:. Does it have a proper name? Or local name? Sorry for your winter. I think we just got 15 or 16 hours. I don’t keep track but the days are surely getting long.


Thats my brother, almost same walk in set up lol! I need to extend my closet to fit a box though =)


Hi man, I mean the variety of bamboo… There are types that are difficult to control…

As for the palm, here in Brazil there are many varieties, I thought it could be known…

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It is definitely difficult to control, but that’s relative to plants I’m used to. In the bamboo world, I dunno lol. I told my kid we need a panda. She agreed. I’m watching her run the idea through her head until she’s like…dad the dogs won’t like a panda in the yard. :rofl: Kids.


9 days old, getting kinda big :eyes: just keep em wet auto pilot for now. Everybody growing at a nice clip, just took some longer to get rolling than others. No concerns.

Bb x gb day 4. Think I forgot to note. These were 4/4 germ all cracked quickly.


Looked at black widows trichs today. Not yet but in the window. Lots of cloudy some clear no amber. One thing I liked about the godberry was the fat nugs to plant size. Seems she passed that on. The stretchy pe x gb has relatively huge nugs for like 3 weeks in. Gelato is pretty, stinky, throwing a nice late frost. Cookie land gonna be very pretty too, already frosty as the artic. The suspected male twang x motor breath is in fact male. 2 for 2 go me! This is the best smelling and looking male I’ve culled. Kinda sad to see him go. He woulda made nice babies I bet but I’m not ready to flower another male right now.


Coming down to the end for those girls! Nice bro!

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Thank you sir.

This black widow definitely behaving more normally than the last. Smells great I think she will finish normally and be decent smoke at worst. Think I still have a good bit to go on the gelato but definitely excited to fill that jar back up.

Glad to hear your WW is getting it together. I really enjoyed that smoke.


Day 11? Think so. Blue lights are on steroids. All 3 Eutierria are very uniform and looking good. The early biggest god’s Mac is intriguing. Got a good feeling about that one :wink:. Gonna be a dank lady, book it.

Moved them under the hlg135. Burned them a touch, woops :innocent:. Raised and dimmed that sucker. Added clip on fan for a little wiggle.


Day 12. 4th nodes coming in on most and lower branches on 3 or 4.


Looking awesome buddy!

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Ty friend. Enjoy them now. I have coco coming for the up-pot. They will probably be yellow and brown in a week :yum:. If I screw this up it will be my last attempt…probably.

Would be nice to get all the dirt out of the house. It’s fungus gnat season around here. I’m almost sure they will be in my pots in short order. Last summer they were a challenge as I was starting out.

Edit: not sure I ever got this buffering part right. Overnight - 24 hours in normal concentration cal mag solution?

Some photos from this morning. Babies are happiest they’ve been since the light shock. Old gals looking okay. Critical bilbo won’t hold herself up much longer. Will have to give her a hand.