Eagles' Nest

Man, I tell you what!! That actually has me completely mind blown right now bro. That Critical is Sick!
BTW the bean fairy visited today. She left something in the mail box. :slight_smile:
Thank you very much man. I appreciate ya.
I’ll be posting my next list soon. :slight_smile:
Once again, going for variety. So pumped about what I have to choose from. :slight_smile:
:v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Ty my friend, she has a real nice fruity gas thing going on. Glad they found you and you’re welcome. I hear that LF is a banger. Imma get some down when I can.

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My wife smiled when I said “lemon”. :slight_smile:
I’ll let you know how that mixes with Tequila shots.


They’re simply stunning!! Congrats Eagles!!! You surely know your stuff!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Ty sir. I appreciate the kind words!

Day 13 potted up into coco. I know I’m gonna regret this :yum:

Transplanted and fed…let me get this right? I feed again tomorrow? Lol. Or can they go a couple days until roots have some time to establish themselves?


I’d say every second day till they start drinking .They’ll let you know when there thirsty .


You will be fine and once they get established and take off you will be amazed at how much faster they grow in coco. :smiley:


Cool, I was thinking daily would be excessive right now.

@Floyd hope you are right. This already feels different than my previous attempts. This coco was very fluffy and didn’t stay as soaked for nearly as long as I remember from before.

An 11lb brick of coco is a lot btw. I filled 11 pots and two half trash bags.

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I dont know if its available to you but I’ve been using Canna coco. I have bought a 80+ lb bale but found breaking it up to be a lot of work. I prefer the same brand not compressed. You can get it with 30% perlite or with out and add it your self. Its already buffered. I just soak it in PHed water with a small amount of nutrients before I fill my pots. Its been working well for me so far.
Edit: Sorry at @Eagles009 , its called Cyco coco. Don’t know what I was thinking but I just looked at a bag. :crazy_face:


Thanks. I will buy that exact product if this doesn’t work out. Mixing the coco with perlite in my bathtub. And the cleanup after. So much easier and less…filthy, lol, than dirt.

I was playing around yesterday and found that full strength 321 plus 2ml of my cal mag puts me right ~5.8 pH so it will work for my simple mind. Just gotta work out the kinks.


This is gonna be a rolling post as I water.

K-L 1 - I’d say plant structure, bud size, and frost level coming from the god berry. Smell and bud structure from the PE. For no training this is a nice looking plant I think. Very strong and sturdy too. Those buds are heavy already.

Critical bilbo - frost level and limb sturdiness below average. Very vigorous plant. Going to yield double her peer group. Smell is awesome. Predominantly sweet but enough funk to make you sniff again. The pinkleberry x CB beans look done. Can pluck and send out if anybody wants.

Cookie land - frostiest plant going. Nice and strong. Buds on the smaller side. Smells dank. I think fruity may have been the wrong word all along. Floral may have been more appropriate. With some sweet notes and some weird notes. I’m still getting some black licorice type scent but hidden or weak. I dunno in rambling. Smells good, me like. Color just waiting to pop.

K-L 3 - well this plant had my attention for the scent. Now it’s like her sisters but with worse structure (had to top this one) and smaller buds. At least I didn’t accidently get pollen on this one…yet :rofl:

Lost my desire to do this :rofl:. Wrap it up quick.

Gelato - stinks to high hell. Love this smell. Fattening up right proper.

Bruce - lots to like here. Want one of these in my bowl.

K-L 2 - weird how they are all structurally very different. Same damn smell. It’s like they decided to smell like fruit on steroids to fk with me. I shake this plant a little and she farts a fruit cloud.

Black widow - she’s growing on me. Densest nugs I’ve felt on a plant. Smells potent and dangerous. Pure funk. Gas, diesel, skunk…don’t seem to fit. I dunno.


Hell yeah man. I will take beans from anyone offering. Haha.


Alright brother let me finish what I have going on here and I’ll shoot you a pm after I pop one out and look at it.


I’ll do this part here so I don’t have to repeat it. Beans look good enough. I have the pinkleberry crossed to critical bilbo, black widow, Bruce banner, and gelato. I’ll do 5 per strain because I don’t know how many total I’m gonna end up with. Rather spread em a bit. But you can have 5 of all 4 strains if you want em.

Edit: Damn I forgot about the gelato. That one got knocked up as well.


Looking very good indeed my friend!

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Yes please. I swear to run them at some point. Maybe end of year. Maybe.


No rush on these my friend. Pm me a safe addy and I’ll get them off in short order.


Thanks Double “0”9 incoming PM.

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2 weeks old. Happier than yesterday. That can’t be bad. I need to iron out light height and intensity. I’m always guessing and adjusting and second guessing.

Black widow gonna come down. I can leave a slot for a clone, no fun, or drop a bean, fun. Hmmm what though. I have a ww x gb soaking. I should just stop with that hermie shit and move on…but I’m oddly attached/intrigued.

Alternately…too many choices.