Eagles' Nest

They were still quite wet and heavy but what the hell, second feed given today. Added great white to this feed. Just gonna give them the 2ml cal mag every watering so I don’t have to alter or check pH.

Decided on a strawberry diesel x spacedude to add to the little ones.


Hey bro. You remember those two auto seeds you gifted me? One was Critical Orange Punch and one Banana Blaze.
Do you remember if they were fems?
I lost my list.


Yes both fem.
Barney’s farm breeder for both if I recall correctly.

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Morning OG

Little one ready to go “in the dirt.” Would you add more perlite to this? I’m thinking yes.

Both older K-Ls showing godberry colors. I was thinking the green from the pineapple express would be dominate. Guess not.


Day 16. Feeling a little slow. Temps aren’t ideal. Cooler than I would choose but I’m not complaining. At least heat isn’t kicking my ass this summer.

Day 13 comparison

Without these comparison posts I would swear to you they were barely growing. But they growing :wink:


Yep, I noticed that about myself as well.
They look busy growing to me.


I was watering critical bilbo today. Tried to tie up some of the lower branches but then the colas wanted to fall over :joy:. Checked the trichs. Mostly cloudy. That’s it folks.

You know what that means. Dropped another Subcool :strawberry: :fuelpump: x :milky_way: :running_man:‍♂at ~11am. Sunk quick. Popped quick.

Still rolling with every other day feeds for the babies. I guess I stick with that until they don’t feel heavy…not light…just not heavy on the second day. Eutierria 3 is the best looking plant with the best lower growth. One of the ppc #3s also has my eye. Cool looking little plant. I forgot to take good pictures of it. Next time. Couple looking a bit off but mostly nice shades of green still :joy:. Oh yeah, fimmed like 9 of them today at 5th node.


Man, I really enjoy reading your stuff.


Thank you brother. Awfully kind of you to say

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Very very nice!! Beautiful bud! Frosty! Love the way you’re to the point! Decisions made, actions taken! Happen to agree with @BigMike55, at times you crack me up!! Or rather, you make me crack up!! :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :sunglasses:

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Glad to hear it, we all need more laughter in our lives. Yeah I’m done agonizing over decisions about these plants. Not taking any shit either. Get in line or meet the plant scissors.

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I am the same way, love flying back to the nest to view each day!


You guys/gals are healer/killers, that’s all!!! And newbie here taking notes LOL!


Here’s a couple better shots was kinda dark last night. Not good… But better


Nice bud, Bud!


Thanks! Smells pretty damn good. Looking forward to my pre trim joint. Pretty sure this one ends up in a jar…and not a trash bag lol.


Aye @Eagles009 just catching up on this thread… you’re working it brother!! Everything looks dynomite!!
I’m gonna PM ya about those seeds!!!
Continued success​:boom::v:t3::boom:


Thank you my friend!

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Good stuff @Eagles009 .


Thank you!

Baby K-L coming along nicely! :sunglasses::cold_face:

Finally figured out what to do with my last 1ft. X 3ft. bit of space in my closet. Dry zone / pre chop dark zone. I checked last night and it was 57 degrees and 64 rh. Little warmer and drier during the day. But definitely my best dry conditions I’ve managed yet. Black widow coming down tonight.

If your expecting pinkleberry crosses from me I havent mailed them yet. Pulled them out of the plants yesterday. Dropped a few of each. We have action on the banner and BW. So seeds are indeed viable and ready and got a couple days to dry out. Will go out tomorrow. Really :yum:.