Eagles' Nest

Ok brother. Its up to you. Plants look good. :smiley:

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I think Iā€™ll pick a random day and do a mini flush once a week to reset the coco. Easy enough. Stay out in front of it. Iā€™m really not interested in ppms or pH :roll_eyes:. Speaking of, anybody happen to know the ppms of 3.6, 2.4, 1.2 jacks formula? I was kind of curious what Iā€™m giving these seedlings


I think @GramTorino could help you with that.


@Eagles009 mine is usually around 1100 with that ratio


The Jacks 100% here should be close.


Maybe my ppm meter is off

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Thanks for the info!

Lol @Grizz718 thatā€™s why mine ended up the trash. In the end, Iā€™m just happy with the way the jacks works. Iā€™m doing it by volume not weight. Pretty darn easy.


@Eagles009 what do u mean by volume not weight. I donā€™t quite understand

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1/4 teaspoon of the 1.2, 1/2 teaspoon of the 2.4, and 1/2 teaspoon of the 3.6.

Comes out roughly to the same weight as it should. I weighed the scoops once to confirm. Was close enough. And this way I figure I get a minor pH fluctuation naturally because the scoops wonā€™t always be identical.


Oh ok I get it now

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Damn manā€¦ that Gelato looks mouth wateringā€¦ nice work on all of it!:boom::v:t3::boom:


Thank you my friend! She smells damn fine too. Kinda have to get in there and move the buds a bit but sheā€™s pure funk when you get her to release her scent.

A gave in and got the little tent. Second maxsisun tent, again zero light leak. Well worth 50 bucks.

Now we see if I get scolded :yum:


Damnā€¦ Iā€™m a sucker for that funky shit. Again, nice work!!!

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Always impressive bro! I love your philosophy towards all this.
Itā€™ll work or it wont. If it donā€™t, adapt and move on. If it does work, improve on it.
No big deal.
Thatā€™s a good way to deal with about anything in general. :slight_smile:

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Nice little tent what you using for a light in it?

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Thanks, itā€™s a giixer blurple. 110 actual watts I believe.

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Most things are just that simple :wink:. I have a real bad habit of paralysis by indecision sometimes with things that really matter. This is kind of like therapy for me. No agonizing. Decide and act.

As I say that Iā€™m doing exactly that with the pinkleberry. Old habits die hard.


Thatā€™s a cute little tent, perfect for veg and some bonsai moms. Or a mini SOG with little veg time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Oh the possibilities, I could definitely see some plant sex going down in there.

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Yeaā€¦ I though of ā€œpollen partyā€ tent after I posted that lol

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