Eagles' Nest

TGA Subcool strawberry diesel x space dude. Day 4 and day 5. Healthy enough but not blown away by early coco growth.


Happy 4th! Woke up to a nice surprise. I dropped the last of my WW x GB beans, 6 in all. All green. Most misshapen. All small. One popped overnight with a strong tap so this should sprout.


Cool beans bro. Are these going in dirt or just a germ test?


I have space for one (plant count). I might make space if I get multiple above ground, so yeah these are for growing but I didn’t honestly expect any sprouts. Haven’t gotten one above ground yet.

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Well then YAY. That cross sounds wicked good.


I was just typing a whole bunch of excited BS :joy:. I’m gonna slow my roll. Let’s get a green plant above ground first. I’ve had 2 of these pop and go nowhere.

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That’s hilarious! I do the same thing. I had, I mean, my wife had her first grow all figured out and set in stone three times at least.


It’s hard not to get excited.
OH also, I want to pick your brain just a bit about my next lineup. I’ll pm you probably tomorrow about it.


Chopped banner today. Smells fkn góoooood in my house :wink:. Coco veggers are good. About half starting to show sex. Can’t ID anybody yet. Coco babies are very nice looking. Couple random photos.


This little gb x ww has been fighting me all the way. Tap root wants to spin in circles. I made a hole with a little paint brush handle. Then grabbed the sprout by the tail with tweezers and drug it down into the hole, straightening it out in the process. Helmet was a PITA to get off too…but it might live, lol. Other 5 still no action.


Humidity in the little tent was 90-95. I have a spare exhaust fan but it’s one speed and serious overkill. So I rigged this little clip on with a light hanger. Opened the little mesh vent. 60-65. Perfecto. I ripped a leaf off god’s Mac for penetration sake, whoa that’s a stinky little plant. In fact I stem rubbed all of them last watering. I can smell the step up in genetics. Most are quite pungent already. I’ve had this one spare gelato x pinkleberry…I know I said I wasn’t gonna grow these…but…I dropped it anyway. Not much of an update but I’m bombing my house so I’m bored in the back yard. Already mowed and washed 5 dogs…and saved a toad from tips, much to her dismay :yum:. Things as round as a baseball.


You will have good karma coming your way for saving that toad. I have a pond in my back yard and am single-handedly responsible for thousands of toad and frog births every year. You should hear them at night!

So I have to ask - what are these “tips” that you saved the toad from?.


Don’t believe you’re gonna keep that frog in the tent! Ok, I do!! … jumping out from the tent and on top of beds, things… Maybe!! Nice!


Tips is a she-devil, little Pitt bull mix runt. She’s my hunter.


You might have saved your dog as well, they have poison glands above their eye level on their neck.


You know, I had a dog growing up that tried to eat a toad. I found it at the back door with it’s jaw locked, foaming at the mouth, and having a seizure of sorts. I didn’t know what was in it’s mouth but I pried it’s jaw open with my fingers and found a damn toad. Dog lived. My hands were all jacked up.


Cane toads are the most poisonous toads I think. Then you have the south American tree frogs, which will kill a human pretty quick, one variety is called the poison arrow frog, as the First nations tribes squeeze the poison out and use it for the blow darts, kills a large monkey in about 5 seconds.

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I used to have frogs as pets. Those poison arrow frogs always intrigued me. Not familiar with cane toads. I had a bunch of cool tree frogs and a tomato frog. Until the tomato frog figured out he could spit poison and then he killed everybody else. He was cool though. He ate mice after like a year.

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Shit, poison spitting frogs is not cool lol. It mush have got pretty big to eat a mouse.

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It was a beast, softball sized and BRIGHT red. Yeah I don’t remember it coming with a warning or anything :joy:. I was probably ten…I didn’t research things…or think about them for that matter.

I got home from school and it looked like spider man got drunk and had a party in there.

So I googled tomato frogs and started reading. They are talking about poison secretion and pinkies??? I must have had a freak because he ate little mice and covered the walls in white goop. He was the only one left it had to have been him…he never did it again while living alone either.

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