Eagles' Nest

I gifted my last GDP fem that you gave me to indornesian because he showed so much interest in it for him and his son. I think it would be an important deal if he gets lucky. It’s a shot in the dark but it’s a shot anyway. I’m going to try and re-veg mine so I can take clones. Wish me luck. New experience for me.
He responded by offering me some of his GDP stock and some “other stuff”.

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They need basically zero light intensity. Just long hours. Take something or a couple something’s that’s low and less developed. You got this. I’ve had flowering clones root in a cup in a window. Took 3 or 4 weeks but it worked.

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Oh. I was thinking about just cutting the top buds off as soon as I see barely enough amber and put the whole plant into veg cycle. Then clone the new growth. Hard stems don’t root easily do they?

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Bubble cloner doesn’t mind hard stem cuts just scrape the stem up a bit before sticking them in. Cubes or dirt different animal your right on that. Reveg wait till it grows new growth before cloning takes a long while some times


I would go cuttings, asap, and I fully agree bubble cloner, led, humid environment all will up success rate and time for roots. I was just presenting a bare minimum why the hell not option if you dont have the veg space or light etc.

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Thanks guys. I bought all the stuff to put together a bubble clone box. I’ll set that up today. I truly appreciate the way you guys are Johnny on the spot when I need advice. It means so much to know I don’t have just YouTube to guide me anymore.


They grow up so fast

Littles ones were put into flower yesterday. Couple aren’t ready but I am.

We killed one male so far leaving 3 Eutierria, 2 ppc #3, 2 blue lights, and 3 god’s Mac left to be sexed.

Coco and jacks 321 gets a thumbs up for me. These have to be some of the prettiest plants I’ve grown so far.

Babies - slow going. After removing the big plants I killed the air exchange and closed the flap. They seem happier with warmer temps and higher rh.


Another ppc culled.

Maybe I should stop blowing smoke in the tents because I have another high ass plant that looks to me like it’s showing sex mid stem.

Tough to get a good picture of that. But you can see it grew the little pointy node leaf and a pistil right out of the stem…not a sign of sex anywhere else on it.


Thats a little strange, one to keep an eye on.


Will do, oddly enough I killed a male a couple days ago that did the same thing but lower on the thick main stem, minus the pointy leaf. Different strain.

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I have never really noticed anything like that on my plants but never really looked for it either. might be more common than I think.

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Interesting how they want so much to be pollinated that they’ll do it themselves if need be.

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Don’t be jinxing me brother! This one best be all girl or all boy. Just no last second changes! Lol


Sorry bro, :zipper_mouth_face:
LOL! :laughing:

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Jack’s does grow some pretty plants. Been germinating in coco for for almost a year now. Been 100% until recent. Lately been killing a few seedlings. They just come up a few days and fall over dead. Think its me though, started reusing the coco. Almost 100% positive its left over salts making the coco to hot for the babies.

Your plants are looking really good :+1:


Thanks for the heads up and the kind words. I thought coco reset very easily. We’re you not flushing it at all before reusing?

Yeah, last 2 grows i did my own experiment with flushing before harvest. So one grow i flushed and the last i did not. All coco was stored in a big sealed tote. Think I dipped into what wasn’t flushed. Never even crossed my mind when I put it into to tote.

P.S. Didnt notice any difference between flushing and not :grin:

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Good stuff. I lose your grow sometimes. Good work. I’m going to get the grow bags like you use. For a new run.


image sorry for dragging your pictures like that. Is that a 2x4 tent. I hope it wasn’t a bad thing to do. I didn’t save it.

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You’re good man. No it’s more like 1x3. Made it myself.

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