Eagles' Nest

Good stuff. Same here. Got a few I’m working on.

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Nice looking plants

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Couple photos from today 6 weeks on the big ones. Couple days over 2 weeks on the little 2. Baby is I dunno how old. Not worth the scroll. It was weird and stalled for like 4 days with TINY yellow cotes. But it came around. Growing good now.


Not a bad leaf in sight!


You aint kidding bro.

I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Coco can’t be this damn easy. I’m still watering every 3rd day too. Same as my soil. Whatever my closet has its own rules.


I don’t know how you get away with watering every third day. I missed one of my plants when I was watering on the weekend ( too many beers ) and the next day she was drooping bad. Three gallon fabrics 70/30 mix. I water once a day. No choice.
Your plants look great, better than mine at the moment. lol
Keep up the good work!


Thank you. Yeah I really don’t know what to say. All I read about with coco is frequency, frequency, PH, frequency. Other than maybe I’m only like 10% perlite. How do you guys measure that? Literally one gallon of coco to one gallon of perlite is 50-50. By volume? Would the coco be wet or dry for this?


If I mix it my self. I fill a 5 gallon pail with dry coco. Put that in a large tote. Then do the same with the perlite. Mix it all up add PHed water with mild nutes and let it soak for a while. Fill 3 gallons pots, repeat if necessary.
I guess more coco to perlite = less watering

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Okay so by volume and dry, thanks.

That’s what I read. But I didn’t think it would be this dramatic. For the record, I’m am NOT letting the coco dry out. It’s just not dry when I check on it. 4th day it was still wet last time but I fed anyway. Today is day 3 and we are in preflower stretch so I’m assuming they will be kinda light today when I check. Either way with expecting a rise in consumption I will feed regardless of how they feel today.

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Me neither. Always learning. :smiley:


your plants look great at all the different stages you show!


Thank you my friend! I’m finding my groove here about a year in I think.


I’d agree with you brother. You’re getting the thing nailed down.


They are not dry still.

Believe I have everybody sexed. 3 more males to kill. Last ppc :sob:. 1 god’s Mac runt. 1 blue lights. The ppc all smelled real good. Shame no fems.

Fems going into flower. 3 Eutierria, 2 god’s Mac, 1 blue lights. All smell dank! So 6/11 fem this round.

Note to self, forgot the calmag so pH of feed was mid 6ish. See if they care.


Things looking busy at the eagles nest!

I’m still growing squatty little autos with lots of bud sites. :grin:


Gots to keep busy my friend! I love baby buds. So clean and pristine looking. Nice contrast to my messy grow area


Well brother, did they?

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Nope, they didn’t give a flying fudge. Here’s two I was photographing today and yesterday.

July 12

July 25th

This coco growth kinda wacky. Nevermind I threw them into flower too early and into 11 / 13 :rofl:


I see breaking and bending in their future or you’re going to need a taller room!


I gotta chop a couple then I’ll snap them down to size :wink:. For now it’s giving the older plants less intensity as they finish. Those only look so tall because I keep everything short. I still have plenty of room to wiggle.