Eagles' Nest

Yeah, so far I’ve been able to keep mine under 36± inches tall.
I’ve never dealt with node spacing like that though.
And those are single topped.
It takes a bit to respond because I’m doing my normal thing during the day. I’ll take a quick break and make a post or two, then back out in the heat.
It looks like I might be done for a while though. Thunder is starting to roll.


Lol yeah they got away from me. I knew they would stretch but GD. Legit tripled or more in 13 days! It’s whatever though they will still make me some nice flowers and I’ll get the canopy back in line eventually. Or maybe they become the new canopy because I clearly need to account for more growth in my same timeline

@Floyd the magic is gone. They are droopy by day 2 now, so I’m watering every day. That changed like overnight.


Yeah that one I mentioned I missed watering, well I did it again. It started looking burnt so I checked the run off and it was way to high. Flushed it with half strength and got it back where it should be. If they dry out the salts build up pretty quick.


Thanks, I definitely noticed mine looked less happy after one droop. They perked right back up under the new daily watering regimen. Plucked a few leaves and good as new :rofl:.


By the way. I’ve got some Jacks on the way. More costly for me but I want to try them.


Nice! Hope you love it as much as I do! Even if it cost twice what I paid I would buy it again in a second. I can’t believe how much of the two big bags I have left. I burn through the mag sulfate using it for other stuff but I got a giant bag of that at a box store for like 8 bucks.

I can’t say if you might hit deficiencies in coco without additional cal mag because I am adding 2ml per gallon at every watering to pH my jacks down half a point or so.

Good news on the salts front though. I never did add the weekly mini flush. I haven’t been getting much run off either, haven’t worried about it and being lazy trying to mix as few gallons of feed as I can get away with. I have fed every single watering. No problems to speak of!


I ordered the 5 12 26 and a bag of calcium nitrate. I have Epsom salts already. Going to do a little studying before they arrive.


It sounds crazy but you can literally just always feed full strength and feed every watering. That’s what I was told to do. That’s what I’ve done.

Everybody loving life.


They do look healthy. :smiley:


Even these little guys. They were watered in with full strength. And have subsequently been fed once.

I’m pretty excited about these :wink:. Haven’t mentioned them yet. They are AKBB - bucket list. (Chem 91 x star fighter) x chem bx3.


Looking amazing brother! I see you got @Floyd testing some Jacks. I loved it and wish i would have stuck with just that!
I hope my 2.9lbs is still good for the next happy grow. I wrapped it nice and air tight!


You should be good! My bags are 6 months old and are opened to moist air pretty regularly. I try to be quick. It has held up perfectly so far.


Look at the frost on that girl! Screw the grow store guy. Jacks IS enough to grow NICE buds. And I gave you that bud candy recipe right? That’s all I’m adding besides 321 and cal mag

Edit: I throw a pinch of great white in their food once in awhile too. I forgot about that. So literally 321, cal mag, bud candy, great white is all I ever put in my pots.


Yes, i am saving the trip to that store this round! Those look beautiful and blessed you had me check out Jacks. I’ll have to dig for that recipe, i may need it again in a month :wink:


Just let me know I have the screen shot saved


While I’m on a roll here, here are those 2 Subcool :strawberry: diesel x spacedude

The last shot of them I have before uppot is July 15th

July 25th

These look like they are just starting to hurt for some mag. However, they have not been touched since being watered in during “transplant.” So I got 7-10 days of hands off growth for the cost of a minor mag issue. Not bad. They could also be getting pissy about the 24-0 in perpetuity.


Great choice jacks is a great product


I’m hoping all goes well. I’m trying to figure out if I want to go over to Jack’s after my next grow.
I’m watching Eagles closely.
:face_with_monocle: :nerd_face:


Your forest is pristine brother. You don’t NEED to do anything. But I don’t know what you’re spending. Jacks is DIRT cheap! And easy

And IMHO, after trying both, if you go jacks just move to coco. It’s easier to just feed all the time than judge wether your plants want feed feed water or feed water feed water. Which does change in soil throughout the life cycle, in my recent experience.


The Foxfarm trio goes a long way but I’m all about saving the $'s.
Not measuring ever again would be my primary motivation to switch. And yes, coco is looking good.