Eagles' Nest

Get you a set of measuring spoons and figure out how Much cal mag it takes you to drop down into coco range. That’s what I did and I’m not looking back. Covers the cal mag leaching properties of coco or whatever that nonsense I was reading said and removes need for up and down. I measured one time with pool drops and haven’t thought about pH since. Haven’t thought about tds once since starting coco and jacks.


Fyi. Elemental ppm for Jacks and others.


If you seriously look at coco I’ll link you the brick I bought. I’ve had bad coco that wrecked my babies when I forgot to wash it. This coco I also forgot to wash and it went swimmingly. You should still wash the shit but just in case. This was obviously better treated and better quality. There is some expensive coco. I got a bathtub full for 20 bills


I already bought the Happy Frog for my next grow back before you started your coco grow. I’ll be thinking coco after this run.
I’m thinking coco in my autopots. How could it be more simple than that?


Is that an auto watering setup of some kind? Lol

Hell yeah man. You can also store mixed jacks for sure! I leave my seedling feed jug right here.

Quick shake before I use it and pour.


Haha! Beat you to the punch! Lol
I edited first!


So I could treat the water with Jacks, put it in a my autopot reservoir with an air stone to keep the mix even in the water. That would give me my nutes and water without having to water every day when the time for coco comes around.


Yessir. Im sure it will keep just fine with an airstone.


Looks like the black poison skunk x womo chose today to join the world. I checked on them…yesterday maybe?..all had nice strong burrowing taps. Gave them a nice drenching with the fine mister to add a little resistance to the final push here and soften up the shells as well. Hopefully a couple fall off on their own or are easy to remove at the least.

Expect all will be up by this evening.



Strawberry diesel x spacedude - I’m gonna break down and water these today. They could probably go another couple days though if I felt like pushing them. Made it 10-13 days from potting up with a full drenching of the coco. They are starting to funk up the veg tent :grin:. Sex just starting to show. I gave them 6 hours of dark and the color improved. Unless my eyes play tricks.

My little we x gb is still alive. Runt but healthy.

3 bucket list looking choice

4 out 5 of the bps x womo look good. The 5th had a very stuck helmet and a weird hardish membrane. She looks better today. Might live.

And check out this weird twin thing. That’s a first for me. Doesn’t look like pot but I really doubt I had some other kind of seed in there coincidentally


Just me? Those look like some thick babies…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


They look alright :wink::yum:

Thankfully, for my sanity.


Lol, I wasn’t saying they looked bad. Agreed ,they look good. They just looked thick compared to the sprouts I grow. Look like they could get up walk away if ya let em :grin:


Oh I understood, was just saying I needed some healthy, problem free seedlings right about now.



I know your pains. If it can be jacked up I’m the guy for the job.

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Very sturdy babies man. I’m thinking you definitely have your system dialed in for giving them a great start.


Thank you my friend! They are definitely loving the jacks and coco. About the same growth as the soil early on, but prettier. The real growth difference comes later on after they are established.


Very true. :smiley: :+1:

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I had a seed sprout a double tap root a while back both plants survived a male and a female . Turfed the male and the female is currently flowering.


That’s amazing. If you had grown both out and made seeds, that would have been a whole other level of “inbreeding”. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: