Eagles' Nest

That’s a good 'ern.


Thanks man! I just killed the little sister along with a couple others to get my numbers in order. So she’s the star of this sideshow now!


Four weeks of growth.


It’s a jungle in there. Nice!


Thanks brother!

“Expect big plants” they said. Yeah, okay. Heard. I’ve been rushing these things into flower and hammering them with light to constant taco for weeks. Or they would have outgrown my 8ft. tent. They’d be seriously freaking tall if left to do their thing. All were topped then left to grow other than the extreme lighting.


A beginning and an end.

Harvested plant is go nuts by Corey. Who I can’t @ and see is suspended. Hmmm.


Banned for a thousand years or something. Sad.
Pretty flowers!


Indeed…I tried looking at his posts but I guess whatever he did is deleted.

Thanks. I will grow more of these when I can. Was a very nice plant chopped it a bit early because it had that done look but growing some new bulk / foxtails. I’ve seen nanners twice after that behavior and I have important (to me) stuff in early flower so I pulled the plug. Very frosty deep purple buds. Peanut butter smell stuck to the end :drooling_face:

Leads me to another point. I chopped the gg4 x DC yesterday. It was never gonna finish before pollen started flying and I had to kill some to get under my number :cry:. Stunk up my whole bathroom with delicious funk. Not really a pleasant smell at all :rofl: but I love weird funky weed. That thing had a deep awesome stench. Loose huge buds. Long flower time. I will try again when I drop more of the go nuts.


I have some Go Nuts in my fridge. May pop a couple sometime.
Probably the Dreamcatcher in the GG4 x DC causing the longer flower time The GG4 I usually chop around 63 days

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I would def. Pop a few of those. Never smelled weed like it before. Not too bad to look at either. Pictures don’t do the flower color justice.

Yeah I dunno on the flower time…but if I had to guess it had like 4-6 weeks left, don’t remember when I started it. was looking forward to that smell in my bong though.

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Eagle when did you quit using the little grow bags? Just noticed you aren’t using them.

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I don’t know if I quit using them. I ran out of the larger size and these smaller ones just don’t suffice long enough. I’m not interested in potting up this plant on a schedule. If I was doing a whole run which I cared about and had limited beans to get it right I would have ordered bigger grow bags probably.

The big plants pictured above were run in the grow bags…but I had issues with them. That I didn’t have in the cups. So maybe a rethink on the horizon. The issue was with some kind of fungus or sickness or something. I’m not sure what. Also not sure how that could be related to bag vs. cup. Maybe I’ll do a 6 cup 6 bag thing next and see what happens. If they grow the same I think I like that the cup stands up on its own. Transplant really not any trouble out of a solo cup…

Day 11

Veg zone

Gonna pot up the three in the back soon. Get them nice and big for upcoming bud run. I did have them in flower. Regret the wasted time but what can ya do.

Couple pictures I like


Day 12


Very nice. Getting a little heated in my auto tent. 4 plants flowering and one about a week from flowering.

Growing in Coco seems like cheatin’


Looking good my friend!

Lol it kind of does. Too easy.




Two weeks old. Should get big real fast now.


Clones looking alive finally. And some bigger girls I was gonna pollinate fully but decided on just hitting the lowers later and getting sensi from the good parts :wink:. So they are kinda half flowering half vegging half chilling right now :crazy_face:



Getting spicy in the flower tent.


Very nice and tall. Good job.

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