Eagles' Nest

Thanks brother! A bit taller than I would like. But I wanted to avoid training unless necessary and see how they would grow. These are just some tall plants. The breeder description said don’t grow in low light. Been :hammer::hammer::hammer: these things and they still climbed like jack.

This one here, ten inches from the damn light and happy as could be. No taco no discoloration. Never seen a plant take light like this thing. Some of it’s siblings are less thrilled but they suck it up :yum:


I got some that are jumping. Fast on the flip also. In just a few days. I’m seeing hairs. I think it is some GG4 not :100: sure.

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I bet that gg4 stinking up the joint

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I got the new fan keep the area clean smelling. Running a 6 in also. Fans are the best thing to keep smell down. Active air I think. With the hurricane fan. Yes it gets smelly. I keep water out as much as possible. To me the roots smell just as bad.


Yeah man, airflow critical. You’re rolling the dice…or weeding out the weak if you let rh get out of control. I finally got my climate locked down when I broke down and switched the exhaust system over to a decent 6" instead of a shit 4"

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I use the 4in for my main exhaust. 3 of those. Then use the six for air filtration. And a 8 in also.



Some go nuts by Corey I’ve been smoking on. Good high. Cool color. Great smell. Better taste

Couple larf seeds i just shucked while smoking a bong



Must be your stuff with the big trunks. I don’t see it in the other stuff. Had to put two down, it had to be yours. I wasn’t ready for them, got to big to fast. Got some of your stuff going.

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The blue lights was HUGE. The sd x SD was crazy vigorous tall plant. Not surprised at all.

The one blue lights cross I grew had massive buds but it rotted in the little tent with no airflow :sob:. Had real nice blueberry smell.


Perfect little plant. Probably two weeks toss it in flower.


Nice @Eagles009 … Why such a short time? Thanks

Will you keep it in the solo cup? Beauty

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I am not very patient. That’s probably number one. This is the first of these I’ve grown. Smoke could be trash. Don’t need ten ounces of trash. I could always grow a clone big if I like what I’m seeing. Big plants = less variety at any point in time. That’s probably number 1a. I’ll take 15, 3 ouncers over four, lbers any day.

Nah can’t keep it in the solo cup I’m not around enough to water during stretch right now…and too lazy even if I was :yum:

Should be a banger bud run coming up here when this sexy business is concluded :wink:


Well said my friend, looks as though I at least try to be more patient than you, lol Nice and pretty plant… :man_farmer:

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Thanks man. Yeah most people are more patient than me :wink:

Shrooms are my speed. Tiny little nub. Three days later it’s a million times bigger and veils breaking loose


I do like that… speed Really something… Heck do more patient people get anything better in life than a less patient one? I doubt it…

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Probably lower percentage of stress related ailments :rofl:


well, the way I see it, your lack of patience does give you rewards, quicker flowering, quicker results, you name it… So

ailments are usually compensated by some kind of quick fix from an impatient mind who always has good reasons to come up with something…
Looking forward to seeing results…


11 days ago veg zone then and now.

And the jungle


Looking great!