Eagles' Nest

I would have to wait and see what my friend thought of the high before I would try it. It would have to dang near put him in a coma before I would take a hit. lol


I just don’t even want to know how you know that… :thinking:


Lol. I don’t know if my dude grew it out sensi. I do remember him saying they were stinky and pungent. I like weird funky weed. With a name like cat piss… Gotta fit the bill. I’ll grow a few and see what’s up.

All the best shit I’ve smoked from my own grows has been funky in one way or another. Only the white widow was down right offensive but that shit was DANK. I smoked every crumb. Maybe some leaves :yum:.

My worst weed was generic fruity bleh…some of it real pretty. All of it ended up in the dump.

Grow what you like y’all :wink:. I am open to what comes. But the SD x SD might be the only true sweet strain I would grow again…and that did / does have some sour / depth to it. Certainly not bleh.


Got some sweet green going. Getting big.


Thanks brother!

They definitely ain’t small.


Current state of things

We have gtr f3 and WCT in the flower tent. GTR f3, WCT, pancakez, and cat piss in the veg tent. Just dropped two Cheech wizard into the drink @nube I was mistaken when I said I didn’t receive those. It was something else I didn’t get. But I did get an offer for half a pack real quick, which I declined of course. Y’all rock OG


I know for a fact that you will do that Catpiss justice. Not only will you take it to the finish but you’ll definitely report back. I’m excited to see what comes out, cause you were right, I only got seed and zero bud.
I’m going to follow along for your results.


Aye, thanks! Let’s hope for a girl :crossed_fingers:.

Even if it’s a boy I should get a decent idea by veg smell how soon I’m gonna drop a few more or not.

Everybody potted up

Few weeks these should be ready for flower.


Man I hate when I leave for work without my coffee or water. Smoking a joint without a drink sucks!

Wake and bake with the WCT is dangerous :crazy_face:. High as hell walking into work :rofl::sunglasses:.

Have a good day everybody!


I got some I’m running one more week then flip. Maybe 2. Lol. Got plenty of babies. Got tails. Got the bags ready. Coco works great. I started the seedlings this past few rounds. I like it.


A week of neglect later.

Veggers doing what they do. Flower some of these real soon.

Preggo girls


Ok Im just gonna go ahead and say it.
I hate looking at your plants.
They make mine look like amatuerish shit!

Nice Growing!


Thanks man, you are too kind. I have just been blessed with some good genetics lately. Jacks and coco has been great for my tent :wink:. I’m sad these plants got wrecked over the last week. They were poised to really pop visually. The back left may still come out pretty nice. The heaviest drinkers got the worst of it, naturally. But hey, maybe I won’t botch the clones and we will see what the sensi version comes out like. Spoiler, gonna be DANK!

These gtr smell very very good. Not much in veg or really early flower. But they have come on in a big way. Lot of variation for what I thought an F3 would bring. But I like variety. So I’m not crying.


The White Cherry Truffle you blessed me with has changed from seedling to baby plant. Looking really nice, too.


Awesome, I had some germ trouble, a lot actually, when they were fresh. But all recent reports have been great. I’m excited to see what y’all get. Not much variation in the f1 so I expect to see something real similar to what I’ve been smoking and will be flowering again soon!


A bunch of beauties, that’s all :hugs: Amazing beauties :ear_of_rice: :leaves:
@Eagles009 Congrats brother :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:


Thanks brother!

Flower tent looking good… relatively speaking. :rofl: Smelling reallllll good :wink:.


Veg plants a little pissy about light increase from couple days ago. Guess half power was too much :yum:. Dialed that back a bit.

My WCT x (sd x sd) tester.

Nice structure GREAT smell.

Baby cat piss. A little sad and neglected but already has a VERY interesting scent. Not all that funk but very strong for it’s tiny size. I’m intrigued.

WCT clones. Yeah I couldn’t part with any of them yet. Sue me.

@Pawsfodocaws I’m digging the rainbow yelly f2 man. Good smoke. Pretty humdrum looking flower but that smell though. Industrial glue you say? Maybe, I don’t know what that shit smells like. But I do know it’s funky and pungent :drooling_face:


Nice well it’s an almost burn your eyes epoxy smell that I get quite a bit… awesome you have ylly bud!!! Edit. You get any good colors in senesence?


Holy Shitballs, man!
I had to take a smoke break to get through all those amazing pics. Good job.

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In the leaves yes, in the buds not much if anything. My favorite part about it was definitely the smell. Also definitely passes the smoke test as kind bud. I’d grow another.

@BigMike55 thanks man. I’m pretty happy with everything I have alive except one plant. So that’s a good feel. Might just kill that fker and be done with it’s bad energy :rofl: