Eagles' Nest

I was checking your plans out earlier. Looking good you got this in the bag :wink:.

Iā€™ve got smoke. Iā€™m just running out of stuff I want to smoke :yum:


Yep!!! I like it fresh. I have enough.


It wonā€™t be long now!


Dontcha just love it when they start eating their own fan leaves? Not pretty, but holy crap! are we close.
Nice grow @Eagles009


Aye, then we get the real show going.

@BigMike55 unfortunately all that ugly is due to a week where I wasnt home where they didnā€™t get fed daily obviously. God knows what the wife did to them. Iā€™m just glad she kept most of them alive. They are pretty needy at this stage. Daily watering required or they pitch a fit.

Iā€™ve been peaking at the seeds. I figure Iā€™ve got three weeks before I can think about chopping them. Beans are still pretty green.


Didnt mean to imply you had ugly plantsā€¦ on the contraryā€¦ they look perfectly fine, to me. My plants lately have been doing that, eating their own fan leaves. But honestly Iā€™m a little skimpy on the nutrients, and probably need to feed more. I give my plants half strength, always, unless they appear to ask for more. Sometimes I do get it wrong. LOL

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Man I didnā€™t take any offense. In MY opinion they are ugly lol. They have potential to be some very frosty, faded, solid purple nugged beauties. Im gonna treat those clones real good-like :yum:. I always say that and get lazy. NOT this time! :rofl:

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They made frickin awesome looking buds, thatā€™s for sure.

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Ugly is good

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Yeah they are actually really healthy they just ate between a 1/4-3/4 of their leaves during that week of starvation, plant depending. Its worse on the heavy drinkers obviously.

The buds are beautiful, fat, sticky, stinky. The genetics are clearly fire. A bit more variation than expected. But it all looks and or smells like dank. The ugliest plant is soooo sticky and the smell is nuts. Pure sour funk! Iā€™m starting to think sheā€™s the hidden gem Iā€™ve been looking down on for weeks. All her pretty sisters be like damn somebody needs a shower :rofl:

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Aint that the case, usually, tho? That one plant that you decide to hang on to, just on account of because, turns out to be the gem. Happens to me every time. And its usually the one plant that I failed to get a few clones, because, she just is not very nice looking.

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True story man.

I always trust my nose. The pretty colors are great and all but the stink never lies. Canā€™t fake that lovely stink. Iā€™ve yet to grow a plantā€¦or smell a bag for that matter and go damn that smells good. Then not like the smoke. Visuallyā€¦eh Iā€™ve grown some pretty trash.

But if you can give me bothā€¦thatā€™s pretty cool too :sunglasses:

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Same here.
Another true story from just last night.
I was on my way to visit my grand daughter. So I packed her up a lid (remember lids?) of really nice buds. I stuck that in my jacket pocket. Halfway thu dinner, I was like, Someone here has been smoking some fine-ass weed. Me and Bree laffed about it. Come to find out, it was reeking thru the plastic ziplock bag and thru a zipped up jacket pocket, and you could smell it from 2 tables away, I shit you not.


Lol, nice.

Man I donā€™tā€¦feel like Iā€™ve heard the term before though. Whatā€™s a lid?


Unless you are kiddingā€¦
A LID, back when I was a teenager, was a Baggie. not the ziplocks of today. These just had a flap that you folded over and tucked inside, but basically the same thing. Same size. Anyways, a Lid was a baggie filled up with pot. it costed 10-15 bucks. But it was mostly mexican brickweed. full of stems and seeds. Then sometime in the later 70ā€™s it went to ounces. smaller amountā€¦ same price.
Ohā€¦ and as a bonusā€¦ those LID Baggies??? turned out they were also the perfect size to put a sandwich in. Win, Win.


I know what bags your talking about now. Didnā€™t Know lids was a name for them. Iā€™ve rolled quite a few of those up and tucked the top over to kinda seal it up :rofl:


Lol. They are called sandwich bags. I have a box of them in the kitchen.
I remember the term lid also. Oz or less was almost always in a sandwich bag. Nickels, dimes etc.


I thought these seeds were probably no good. Since they are good I went ahead and shucked this plant thatā€™s been hanging for three months just chilling :rofl:. Not a bad haul for a little dusting.


Good indeed, thatā€™s 100% on the four I dropped at 24 hours. Ready to plant in my estimation. Rinse coco. Water in with 321 and great white. Scrape a few mm of coco away in center. Place seed on its side wit tap root horizontal to surface of coco. Sprinkle coco on top. Pat down and smooth out gently. Leave alone for the next ten days. Doesnā€™t need a thing.

Probably most excited about this plant

Because I made itā€¦on purpose :rofl:. Smell says itā€™s dank. Iā€™m happy with structure for no training. I think I clone this one pre flower. Got a feeling about her.


That a hole in the middle is just not cooperative. Up up up no matter what. Itā€™ll climb right on up even whilst tacoing and yellowing. But itā€™s growing some pretty flowers in the other tent so we will put up with it. Flowered the WCT sd sd plant yesterday. Planted the bucket list x WCT.


Nice forest you have growing on there.

I just up potted two examples of your WCT yesterday. They are coming along nicely. Thank you.

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