Eagles' Nest

Nice! You’re welcome. Good bit of these growing now. I’m sure y’all will find something nice. I’m a little nervous til I see some dank looking flowers though. I don’t see how quality could be lost with a reversal of one dank plant pollinating it’s two dank sisters but I also don’t really know what I’m talking about either :rofl:.

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Babies! That was fast!

Found 2 poking through this morning. Removed helmets and off they go.


Okay…I see you BL x WCT. 3 days since seeds hit water.

Came home to the other two popped up.

Veggers kicking it into gear. Feels like they got big fast. Let’s see.
7 days ago vs today

Meh, I dunno. Healthier anyway.


Day one. Four days since seeds hit water. Color me impressed. I was hoping to introduce some vigor to the WCT via this cross. Looks like a success on that front.

Ideally, we will see the vigor, size, bud structure, and leaf frost of the BL with the smell, potency, and bud frost of the WCT. Hey, a guy can dream.


Just beautiful! I love the babies brother!


Thanks brother! Always an exciting time for sure :wink:

After work shots. Gonna have to boost em a bit. Getting a little leggy already

Happy to see all four looking “normal” and healthy


Day two



Nice garden brother. Magnificent flowers.

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Thanks man! I’m enjoying this run quite a bit. I’ve been on a fortunate string here of pretty bad ass plants these last few months :crossed_fingers:


Indeed you have. I’ve been watching in the background.

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Veg tent back in order. Everybody looking good.

Start of day three. Coco. Watered in five, six days ago with full strength 321, full dose (2ml) cal mag, great white. No input since. Probably go another week before I feed.

Cat piss. Getting funky. Real loud for it’s size. Much happier.

Clones that I should have planted already

The (sd x sd) x WCT been in flower a few days now.

First pistils popping. It always shoulda been female but good to see I guess. I can see and smell both parents in her. We see what the buds look like but dank for sure. Why is she still lime green? Good question :rofl:. It’s just who she is. Or I suck.

So I flowered my three f1 wct like…six weeks ago. Decided a week or two in to go back to veg. A month plus later they never fully revegged. I have this. Weird. Hope they flower normally somehow. Either way I have the clones.

All 3 did the same weird thing.


A busy tent is a happy tent! :+1:


I give up on tags. I did find out something that would help me and I did do it only on a few. Put tags on the grow bags


I want to come smoke a bowl in your tent!


I did that a couple times. Never felt quite right :rofl:. Like, look what the plan for you guys is. Premature death, hung by the feet, and then burned down to nothing. Lol.


Doesn’t feel right. I’ve tried it before. Matter fact I got some stash back there now I’m glad I just seen that. Lol I had me a little lounge chair because I used to like using bamboo I thought maybe I would do my plants like that again. Growing in tents is so different


I’ve got a few like that also. I hope mine don’t mold with all the branches and one finger leaves.

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Yeah mold is not fun at all to deal with. With the new exhaust Im not worried about that any more. Usually around 55 rh when I check.

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Day 3 coming to an end. Perfect, vigorous little babies :grin:


Starting day four. Clear second nodes on 3/4.

I’ve read all over about frequent coco watering. Meh. These will be watered once before transplant. Won’t be watered again for ~two weeks after transplant. So that puts us at two watering ins (without plant present once in solo cup before planting. Once in one gallon before transplant) and one actual watering in the solo cup for the first whole month. Lifta and kiss. My favorite grow mottos.

What I have done; moved them to the center of the tent for increased light, removed timer as of last night to give them 24-0 for a few days to reduce stretch and power through this vulnerable stage of life, backfilled to top of cup with wet coco I stole from the top of other pots for stem support.

@MoBilly why the cups again :rage:? Well I haven’t had a cup seedling fall ill with the “Itis” whereas several runs of bag plants weren’t as fortunate. So until that changes we go with the cups. The “Itis” is some sickness where the cotes drop dead and they stop growing and shrivel up. H2o2 will save them but I will lose a week or two of growth. Can’t figure it out. Not over or under watering. Not nutrition. Not the coco. ??

Veg zone - been a week since anybody in here got watered. Cat piss only one getting light.

Flower tent. Hoping for some buds off those weirdo wct. Very excited to see what the SD x sd cross looks like.