Eagles' Nest

Lookin’ Stellar, Feller!


I am loving the colors bro!

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Thank you my friend. They are some lookers, with personality (smell :rofl:) to boot!

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Happy 420 y’all!

(sd x SD) x WCT.

12 days ago


Musta tripled in size lol.
Early frost coming in nicely :sunglasses:

Beautiful plant. All sd x SD. Color me surprised the WCT is so silent here.

And sad veggies. Finally got them off 24-0. But still too close to light. I dunno. I gotta hold them off a few more weeks :thinking::roll_eyes::rofl:. Will super crop again soon and bake them into submission.


Looks great.


Happy 420 my brother!
You as well my other brother @Hemp !


Yea! Happy 420


Thank you my friend! I’d have to agree. I’m in love with that plant from the first six or so pictures. If I ever got a bag of purple nugs that smelled like that back in the day I’d buy all they had :yum:

@MoBilly thank you sir! Hell of a 420. Smoked a fat joint before work then had to fire someone like ten minutes later. Buzz kill


I’ve had to do that on occasion. Rarely did I feel good about it.


Yeah, kind of sucks. She had it coming. I’m only gonna do your job so long. I don’t have a ton of tolerance for lazyness. I’m a super lazy dude but not when shit needs to get done.

I went in on my day off to get shit functional and she’s watching me work. Buh bye.

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It’s a shame that it killed your 420 buzz though. lol

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Lol super awkward too. I’m like come on man no smiling. And definitely don’t laugh. Serious face. :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Imagine getting fired by the guy with red eyes who stinks like joint. My boss loves me so she just pretends I don’t look high as shit everyday I guess :yum:


That is just too damn funny!

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Life’s a hoot my friend. Just gotta look at it right :wink:.

I’ll push for a promotion from within to fill the void. I like my people. Treat em with respect and they perform and are loyal. Imagine.


That’s a recipe for success with running a crew. Too few line bosses know that.
I worked for a landscaper that valued $ over health. Why rent a backhoe when two men with picks, shovels and a wheel barrel can do the same.


Sounds like work

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I worked for that company for 17 years.


That’s a long time.


Yup I’ve seen so much poor management it makes my head spin. It’s all about resources. Number one resource is your people. They make it go. Whatever it is.

Number one thing I do is build relationships. I am relatively new to this job. I spent the first couple months, deferring to others and taking advice and cues from all level employees. Learning their ways and preferences. Taking orders. All the while being the highest ranking employee on site most of the time. Now I will tweak what they do to optimize. This was the first time I put my foot down and took charge. Time to cut the fat. I know what’s what now.


@MoBilly it’s good to see you bro. I worry about u. We aren’t getting younger.,

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