Eagles' Nest

That’s in the zone for me.
Something I learned from Vernal. 6.0 to 6.5 in coco is giving me better results than 5.8


I think pH is way overblown personally. I’ve had success at a very wide range. I was giving my plants straight tap for weeks before I read about pH. Starting using up and down. Made a mess of my pretty green plants.


nothing wrong with 6.4-6.5


I’m in soil (for now), but I’m tired fussing with pH, so I’m thinking about running straight well water for one of my plants on this next run. My well averages around 7.7 pH.
What do you think bro (and anyone else)? Is that too high?

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Probably but only one way to find out. I tested mine the other day out of curiosity. My tap

7.3-7.4 my plants dont care…


Thanks man. I’m inclined to try it. Yep. My wife and I are thinking of going hydro and short veg cycles. That’ll be totally different from what I’ve done up till now though and so far I’ve liked playing in the dirt. lol


From what I have seen I believe you have it down. I want to go water. I will one day. I have tried it before. Never like what I have learned.


@MoBilly you should try the Octopots it’s the best of both worlds
Really no muss no fuss , set and leave it alone for a week no problem at all


I’ve been eyeing up Octopots for ages. You think it’s the goods?


I see you like Mac1. I have some of those seeds. Do you like the strain?

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I personally love them they have increased my yield and less time in the garden


Gotta try those octos brother!! Dont worry about change… the learning curve is very simple and easy man… @Papalag for sure can answer any questions you may have … he even helped guide me making my own… along with a little help from some other friends too… @ifish @ShiskaberrySavior


We just had this same conversation lol. I’m around the 7.7 rang from tap.

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Your tap runs up around 7.7 and you grow the stuff you do?!
Why have I been fighting pH for five grows then! lol
Live and learn. The KISS method should always be my first instinct. :slight_smile:


I do clones in water. I had to check ph every day. I did and nutrition sometimes. I keep some flowering grape in 4 week of flowering going. They rooted. I put them down because I was messing with some bad seeds. No I’m looking at the octopus. But soil is easy also. I don’t do all the run off and drain. When my plants get bigger I’ll shop vac run off. But only on a few times. I have a bunch of dirt. I keep ph at 5.5 and it isn’t hard to add to much water. A few drops is all. The hands get started and don’t stop. Lol

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I agree it’s like growing on cruise control .


Thanks guys @Papalag @Hemp @Terpsnpurps
I’m going to try some DIY stuff on my next run. :slight_smile: Papalag,
I may be hollering for some advice on design and troubleshooting if that’s OK?


I’ll be with u. I’m learning also.

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It’s always the first thing to go for me. Then a curve ball reverts me back to basics.

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I have to ph down :÷( . If I find out I don’t have to ph down this will save me loads of time.