Eagles' Nest

My plants told me, no more of that orange or blue posion. I said cool just make me dank. It’s a win win.


One week old. Good looking babies.



Ten days old

Where I was hoping canopy would end up. Told ya that sativa would add another foot WHILE budding…obnoxious :joy:


Veg zone coming together nicely. Sluggish clones are rooting. We have five fingered leaves on the WCT clones, yay! New babies look okay. Need those other two to stand up already…but they can be replaced.


gonna watch WCT looks good man :slight_smile: :slight_smile: peace


Purple goddess on Co. about to steal this show my friend.

Now if you factor in the time that the plants these cuts came from, plus the time they spent themselves, it’s been over two months that these early freaking flower revegs have been puttering about acting weird. Finally look like vegging weed plants. Crazy finicky obnoxious little stinkers.

Worth…I’ll be jarring this stuff up for the next decade.

Two weeks

Two days


Particularly potent pile of pictures.


Lol nice alliteration :wink:

And thanks!

The baby in the middle has my :eyes:. Such fat nice leaves and a big fat stem. No stretch. Sexy :wink:


I wish I had my bathroom back. Lol looking good

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Thanks brother! Yeah man I’m in a nice little groove here. Just trying to sit back and stay the course.

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Nothing wrong with that.

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Caught up I’ve been neglectful.
Looking great :+1:


Topped and potted up the WCT. First clone got planted. Rest are really sluggish with the roots this time. Feels like it was faster / normal last time. Maybe lower temps maybe because I skipped 24/0. W/e. I have time on that front.

Sassy Cassie

Flower tent pissing me off. They are less than perfect again. I skipped watering one day when I was sick plus the light was still too close. Should heal back up in short order.


Beautiful man!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Thank you my friend

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I’m working my way back to healthy plants too.
My girls had some kind of funky crap going on and I lost probably 60% of my lower branches. What is left looks like some kind of Dr. Seuss nightmare.

I showed Johnny pics and even he couldn’t tell what was going on.

Yours will bounce back with you at the helm.


Damn bro…that sounds serious. Hope you get the ship righted.

I was just being dramatic. Mine are fine. I just wanted to keep these green and perfect after some of the ugly plants I’ve had lately.

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Yeah, I thought they looked great to me but you know how some people are, great isn’t good enough. lol
Yeah, my plants got really ill. I’m not sure what happened. the branches turned soft. I’m talking spongy even. I haven’t over watered. I even checked with a meter which I haven’t had to use since I started growing. They just wilted down and started dropping leaves. The branches up high were not effected so I cut everything below the good branches and sprayed peroxide solution on them for a few days.
I’m hoping the BBP will help bring back some vegetation. I’ll end up with some smoke either way. It was only my White Rhino’s that were involved. The Frankenstein’s are fine. This set back flipping until they bounce back. I still have the GDP in the flower room and I need to clean pollen out of there before anything else is flowered out in that room anyway so… I pollinated three branches on one of the GDP and I see some on branches nearby those. The room needs cleaning.


Weird…I wouldn’t even know where to start with that issue. My first reaction to sudden massive weirdness is to hit the roots with h2o2. Seems to work. I figure if the whole plant or large parts of it start to freak out suddenly it’s gotta be a stalk / branch / root issue. Unless you recently poured poison on it or something…

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